But what about blue flames that shit don’t make no sense!
But what about blue flames that shit don’t make no sense!
You’ve got quite an antiquated notion of how fighter jets operate. Now I will say yeah his point is dumb as fuck but most jets nowadays do the work for the pilot you have all sorts of automatic countermeasures built into fighters now, they are kind of like airline pilots now they are there for that .01% when shit goes…
One team doesn’t make a league. And while their attendance numbers are incredibly good the only team in the premier league they outdraw is AFC Bournemouth which has a stadium which seats around 11000 at maximum capacity. There’s also the fact that alot of NWSL teams use unpaid amateurs to fill their rosters out, and…
Well in general not much, I mean a man and a women can pilot a plane or spaceship if given the proper training but at the highest level yeah there is a difference.
Beats bees.
And furthermore most if not all of the women professional leagues are buoyed up by the mens league. I mean does anyone think the WNBA is actually a financially stable product without being kept afloat by that NBA money? Look at all the professional soccer leagues in the last 15 years everytime there’s a world cup and…
Hey I know some decent koreans as well
Modern games? I mean yeah back in the 90's they favored laggers because I remember being able to physically remove the phone line from the modem port and basically give myself god mode in a few online games than but nowadays if anything the worse your connection is the worse your game experience is.
So this is the ultra left version of thoughts and prayers huh? I mean that’s wonderful and all but if I was a survivor of prison rape i’d be a little off-put to get a fucking card sharing thoughts and prayers. The better question is how we as a country have a correctional system where rape is the currency of power, I…
Between the election of Donald Trump and the rise of “e-sports” this entire year has been a fuck you to my preconceived notions.
Yeah well have you seen how well Republics are doing nowadays?
Yeah it’s pretty amazing that the worst treatment that came from colonialism happened in the fucking 20th century.
Obama giveth and the Orange taketh.
Around the same time humans evolved the ability to talk out of their ass.
I see they found their gollum for the new Lord of the Rings show.
Yeah but call it what it is and this isn’t gambling. This is more like someone blaming Topps for making baseball cards because they keep buying them and not getting the card they wanted. Look I get it’s a nefarious business practice at worst but this is getting entirely blown out of proportion. He has an disorder no…
Let me guess you got conned by backing the new Mozart/Tupac compilation album as well?
I have no clue I just remember reading once that Handel cranked out The Messiah in under 2 weeks. The problem with what Jeremy Soule is doing is he’s either a tortured genius with an absolute shit PR team, or he’s a grifter. I tend to lead towards the grifter. He took people’s money which yes i’m well aware not…
That’s kind of the whole point though isn’t it? I mean instead of his PR person or whatever her job title is going with that angle she went with the whole condescending tone of Are you a composer have you ever composed anything? Yes many great works of art have taken years to complete, but they also weren’t financed…