
I dunno that’s a pretty lame insult/joke attempt. I mean for one there’s like what 9-10 people in the roots and i’m pretty positive only Questlove has the fro. Of course if someone is stupid enough to go around making comments like that to people they don’t even know, well nuance probably isn’t in their repertoire.

Here’s a little nugget of what I thought was useless information but now is perfectly fitting for this. Handel took 2 weeks to compose his entire messiah. But Skyrim Brian Wilson up here somehow needs 4 years and counting, hell if he was smart he would have been like “I used to be a composer that had a successfully

Yeah but yankee was a douchebag.

Let me guess you just require a 110% cut of whatever she makes?

It’s good to know that even with all the absolute moron Trump supporters running around that the far left can still produce idiots of stupendous nature.

No they most definitely aren’t because I used to whine about the teachers and nuns to my mom and she would just say just be glad they don’t beat you for being left handed anymore. My son goes to a catholic private school and it’s amazing just how almost secular it’s become other than the morning prayers.

So he was a volunteer fireman? Because he seems to fit every example of volunteer fireman ive ever met.

Did you go to a Catholic school that was like Mel Gibson’s brand of catholicism or something? I went to catholic school in the late 80's and apparently our class was when they stopped trying to correct kids from writing with their left hands which helped me alot being left handed and all.

There’s one fallacy with saying Trump will win in 2020. You’ve already bought the car and you know it’s an utter piece of shit. It runs like shit, gets gas mileage like shit, sounds like shit, and looks like shit. So now you are going to go back and buy the same product from that salesman?

I can get the paranoia in Europe when you have a flood of a million plus refugees coming in, our paranoia over here is all based off the media both sides of the aisle. Watch almost any major news network for an hour and you’ll come away thinking the apocalypse is around any corner, then you’ve got the wonderful

Honestly if half of what he is saying is true about the dead dogs than yeah i’d probably call the fucking cops on every last person I saw coming close to my property. The rest of his story is obviously made up bullshit he probably saw on Facebook or Infowars but the whole dog thing seems like a strange accusation to

lol I didn’t mean that to be mean I just thought we were having some sort of Terrence and Phillip interaction.

Perhaps you need to take a different view of it. Lets throw out the most egregious examples where microtransactions are actually tied to advancing the story of the game those are obvious dogshit money grabs, and discuss the ones that primarily are for either cosmetic changes, additional maps, or experience points like

The symptoms I got from playing R-Type was rage, rage and more rage. To each their own I suppose.

Does he have a boeing jet global express? And when he leaves the country does the blueberry still connect?

Or unless you are an alcoholic.

Don’t let these people lie to you that’s obviously Christopher Walken with a shitty dyejob.

Christ they should have put her in front of congress instead of all the hacks from the record companies then maybe people would have had some sympathy.

Hey buddy don’t talk to me about toques i’ve been wearing the same one since 1999, and I do only live 5 minutes from Canada.

This is more of like that Lady who won the Boston marathon by jumping in a car and running the last mile.