
Huh go figure every time I’ve driven in PA I always think these roads are just as shit as they were 30 years ago. I have only driven down 81 and 95 though so that might be why I think that.

I would rather someone list to me the ways you don’t get fined driving in PA, because everytime I go through that god forsaken state I pick up some sort of ticket. And I guess they need all those fines to pay for the perpetual state of construction of that stretch of I-81 from Scranton to Harrisburg.

Hmm is it? It’s probably illegal in NY as well but seriously up where I live which you are in Vermont im over in the St. Lawrence Valley of upstate NY and it never seems to be that nice snow weather. You know when you get like a foot of snow but the temp hovers around 25-30 so it’s kind of nice outside sucks to shovel

I guess you don’t know much about European History either. The US is a country of immigrants primarily from what continent again? If you think what we did was bad read up about the colonial exploits of Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands even little tiny Belgium which committed atrocities even the Nazis would look

That’s more for if you live in a Mid-Atlantic climate because if you live where I live in Upstate NY the proper method is to just sweep off the 1-2 feet of snow on your windshield turn the car on and wait 30 minutes for the windshield to defrost run the car down the road at the highest safest possible speed to get the

I’m pretty sure anything short of you severing your penis isn’t going to placate them. I mean seriously how does someone take that much offense to you saying well I thought I was better than what I was but apparently I have some things that I need to work on and men need to work on in particular. I seriously had to

Sometimes I think we should just roll technology back to the level of the late 90's/early 00's because between Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram we are raising a society of a bunch of uncultured narcissistic nitwits.

At this point in time I think a better question would be what is Twitter without Donald Trump?

Typical Harvey always getting off beforehand.

I’ve been watching CNN since I was a kid in the early 90s and it used to be the network for professional journalism and presenting both points of view from rational people instead of either the Fox News or unfortunately CNN way of doing things now where you find the most insane person on one side of the spectrum pit

I doubt it since it’s more of an event now than a TV show, but really last season was by far the absolute worst they’ve put out which is ironic since for the first 6 seasons the biggest knock was THERES NO DRAGONS OR ICE ZOMBIES, but after the last season they just pissed all the nuance away to advance the story.

Nice rant but lets face it both sides of the aisle and their respective news organizations are batshit crazy.

Those rape allegations against Reagan were never proven!

Yeah it’s almost as if copious use of meth leads to irrational actions.

No people who have anger issues pull this kind of stunt. It just so happens having them wear a NRA hat is a good indication that someone has an anger issue.

Yes and if you want to be taken seriously you should probably act with a modicum of professionalism, what that is in the streaming/speedrunning game I don’t know but I know it isn’t that petulant child. You are someone who is in this business and do you act like that when things don’t go your way? I’d say if you want

Well isn’t it obvious? DarkViperAU

Did you watch the video? Yeah there’s being pissed and then there’s acting like a petulant child when things don’t go your way. And i’m sorry i’m not too broken up about someone who sits on their ass playing video games all day in a black wifebeater who lost all their hard work which oh yeah this probably gets him

If that’s the case well the Republican party is truly dead.

And if it’s universal healthcare well I guess the end justifies the means.