
Yeah and they’d probably blame it all on the Jews.

No more sillier than the country that used it for their national flag for 12 years now bans it anywhere in the country. I get their rationale behind it but it’s like the entire government of West Germany/re-unified Germany just wants to sweep everything under the rug show their people how terrible they were but don’t

So you want your vagina to resemble the sarlacc from Star Wars?


Boston has to be one of the most racist cities i’ve ever visited. If it wasn’t for Harvard and Fenway Park I would have thought I was in Cape Town in the 70's.

ICP fans loathe anyone with actual talent.

If they have a sunoco sticker right above or below a monster one they are most definitely racist.

Hey man Joe Biden isn’t a racist.

What? No no no no. If they listen to ICP they probably sell prescription drugs cmon man get your stereotypes right. But as a white guy who laughed when he read these because yeah i’ve those are pretty much spot on and your example of the mustang yeah that’s correct as well at least in every experience with every

What? No no no no. If they listen to ICP they probably sell prescription drugs cmon man get your stereotypes right. But as a white guy who laughed when he read these because yeah i’ve those are pretty much spot on and your example of the mustang yeah that’s correct as well at least in every experience with every

I’m confused your mall doesn’t have it’s own American Eagle store?

Texas Pete anyone else put that on tortilla chips?

Hey that’s Kraft Dinner in the great white north.

I’m saying tribal in a sense of community not that they were some backwards amazonian tribe. And the people who originally came here were either religious nutjobs, people heavily in debt, or those seeking their fortunes elsewhere. And yeah alot of them did leave because white on white crime hell if anything europeans

Nah just I was an anthropology major in college, and tribalism exists to some degree in every society it’s just much more magnified when you apply it to an entire nation. I also don’t think institutional racism is going to go away anytime soon unfortunately for two reasons one being what I listed above as it being

I didn’t either until a couple of years ago, and was actually shocked to find out asians were the victims. So I guess the whole point of all of this is that if you aren’t white well dying in mass numbers before the 1960's didn’t really make the front page news. I always knew there was a huge undercurrent of racism

You probably should have seen a psychologist in college and majored in history because holy shit is this comment out in left field. This isn’t a uniquely American thing human beings as a whole are tribal in nature and fear anything that isn’t a part of their tribe. This lesson has been repeated in every great

Look i’m not going to debate about the ills inflicted by whites on native peoples but they thought it was right because when you are fighting a war where you are outnumbered 100 to 1 a gun which fires 1200 rounds a minute tends to be a great equalizer. I’m not really sure they tried to bury it when one of the most

LA is also home to possibly the largest mass lynching in American history.

He’s an archaeology major i’m just happy for him having a job that doesn’t involve giving museum tours or serving coffee.