See the PhD part? That’s why you didn’t think of it because it’s a useless degree unless you have a PhD i’m speaking from personal experience.
See the PhD part? That’s why you didn’t think of it because it’s a useless degree unless you have a PhD i’m speaking from personal experience.
It’s kind of hard to put any sort of positive spin on what Chris Benoit did and people like the Warrior are praised for the reason you listed. Ask the average person with only vague wrestling knowledge about the Ultimate Warrior and they will probably have some recollection of watching him bodyslam some guy when they…
You think so? Well his son Richard Warrior would beg to differ.
Dane Cook has a face so hittable Gandhi would bitch slap him.
Someone mixed up the Ultimate Warrior with Doink the Clown that’s how.
Remember like a month ago after Harvey and Irma people were all like well yeah he sucks but hey at least he’s handling natural disasters better than Bush. Boy those were quaint times.
That’s just a statue of Trump’s Father showing Trump how he’s going to evict every colored family on the block to build another set of shoddily designed hi-end apartments.
Katrina was a real catastrophe because for around 100 years people have been saying the levees were going to break it’s only a matter of time but people were either too complacent or the project was too costly to fix and you got the disaster that unfolded after coupled with “You’re doing a heck of a job Brownie.” This…
How the fuck would I know i’m white, I can roll the best joints on the planet but have me roll you a blunt it ends up like that joint Walter White rolled in season 1 of Breaking Bad.
Yeah I know the Roman Empire was only around for what 2000 years if you count Byzantium?
A couple of centuries huh? Do go on!
I think the writer of this article thinks nationalism is synonym for fascism. Almost every country on this planet exists because said citizens of those countries have a sense of a national identity and were tired of being ruled by one of the great powers.
Actually as someone who rents Uhauls through their business there was an added measure of security after the Nice attack last year I had homeland security come in and give a seminar basically on what to look for. I’m going to bet there will be no measures taken after this.
Cmon man every white person has listened to Mystikal, I mean shit it’s how I found out there was more you could roll a joint with other than zig zags.
When I was there I think only San Francisco and Manhattan had a higher average home cost, and from what I could gather there were 3 types of residencies. The absurdly rich who owned their own mansion on Gulfshore Drive, the kind of rich who lived in a gated community with a HOA or the working class like myself that…
I lived in Naples so i’ll admit my entire view of the state of Florida is skewed.
So wait are you advocating for the welfare state? I mean yeah go read up on it and strangely enough every single one of those countries has better healthcare than the US, a better standard of living than the US, far less income inequality, and access to higher education for almost every citizen. But yeah the US is…
Yeah except that crack addict will probably be more inclined to steal from the rich to gets his next fix.
Well neither did 500 days of Kristen, but at least you guys are out of the revenge porn business now.
Yeah the choice is don’t live in Florida because your options are either deal with a HOA or live in section 8 and all the wonderments that come with that.