So you would have one if it was free. So not only are you delusional in your thinking you are a cheap fuck as well. Really i’m surprised you aren’t a card carrying member of Breitbart you have all the trademarks.
So you would have one if it was free. So not only are you delusional in your thinking you are a cheap fuck as well. Really i’m surprised you aren’t a card carrying member of Breitbart you have all the trademarks.
No shit gas station wings? Are they actually deep fried?
You must have the digestional tract of a greek god.
Here’s a buffalo burnin’ hot take. The best chain wings were the ones Mcdonalds had a couple of years back. Main those wings were tasty but they cost more than what I could get a dozen for from my local pizza place.
Put it this way. The predator would be a less invasive species.
It’s funny you mention that because the biggest scumbag thing I did as a kid was that I would go into stores wait till noone was looking and proceed to open sprite 20 oz bottles till I found either a free soda or some of those sweet Foot Locker bucks. Yeah it’s not something i’m particularly proud of nowadays but it…
Yeah i’ve noticed that as well also The Golden Corral is the same way. I’ve ate at ones before and was like OMFG this is the best buffet ever than ate at one another town over and it was like christ this is worse than chow hall food.
I look at him and see more of a Baby Huey with fetal alcohol syndrome thing going on.
Because it’s Dayton Ohio and people didn’t want to raise their property values.
The rapists for $200 Alex
Oh no no no. Those idiots don’t get to go to the hospital my insurance premiums are already high enough.
The only reason huh? I’m assuming the Xpert part of your name doesn’t apply to hydrology. Lets test your theory then we will make a lake out of the most pristine unsullied by human hands water you’ve ever seen. Then we will throw a dead carcass in the middle of it you pick the animal and of course it died from…
There’s always going to be some headcase going off the rails in any competition. Take your example of rec league stuff. I’m a little older than you but witnessed one summer night during a pickup game at the local basketball court a grown ass man (I was around 16 at the time) lose a game primarily to a team of my…
I try to forget that movie even happened.
What you didn’t sit there on New Year’s Eve and go man I hope we really tone it down on the winning this country has been doing next year because i’m tired as fuck.
No he’d be a pitcher for the Yankees.
I would literally strip down naked and run around at this point if it meant we got a day over 40 degrees. It’s been below zero here for every single day but yesterday since Christmas and it looks like the high is supposed to be -8 on Saturday with a balmy -26 for the low.
I’m more worried about what comes after considering it’s fucking Pence next in line but hey we’ve done the whole republic thing for almost 250 odd years bout time we gave Theocracy a chance.
I was in the same boat with you when I learned Microsoft acquired Rare. Then I played Kameo.