
That’s ridiculous anyone in the know, knows that she is the lovechild of Yoda and Obi Wan.

Rational to him and the sycophants around him but ultimately as far as keeping his Third Reich going this was the most idiotic decision they made they could have brought Britain to the table if they kept the pressure on and didn’t allocate 3/4th of their military to the new eastern front. Even if the Soviet machine in

No i’m pretty sure they deserved to be flunked because everyone i’ve ever met who was a Ron Paul supporter was a fucking imbecile but who knows there’s always exceptions to the rule.

I don’t really see why anyone would want to pump their own gas. I live in NY and there’s only a few places that are actually full service up here and I avoid them like the plague, not because i’ve got some macho thing going where only I pump the gas but because i’m an incredibly cheap bastard but at the same time I

So when does Musk start funneling in Colombian Cocaine money to keep the company afloat? Because this shit show is going to end up like Delorian.

I’m not sure if you are aware but they did make Battletoads for the Genesis as well.

Because we as Americans think the constitution was a document handed down by god akin to the ten commandments. We always ask ourselves what would our forefathers think of the country today, and I would say the one thing where they would think they screwed up was on the second amendment.

That’s an entire bullshit argument they most certainly do have the time, budget and skillset to train these officers. Christ they were fucking SWAT man what do you think they do? Take some 8 hour course over the weekend and go right back to patrol duty? These guys train day in and day out for these situations but

This bothers me more than that because at least at the end of the day the cop curb stomping a handcuffed man is going to at least lose his job one would hope, while this trigger happy dipshit might go right back to the force after a couple of months of paid leave and do the same shit another day.

The difference is the entire populace doesn’t have a arsenal sitting at their home. Everything in the US is militarized the police, the population and as long as that is our status quo these sort of things are never going to change. It boggles my mind that we have states where you can walk around with an Assault Rifle

Fucking St Louis right?

He may very well be that but don’t you think if you are going to invest your hard earned money into something you should at least have the awareness to know how to cash in on your investment?

Now i’m intrigued so what does that say about me?

That’s wonderful but last year should have taught you that the number of votes as whole doesn’t mean that person gets elected.

Hey you like myself knew damn well reading this article was only going to depress you.

You really think that’s the reason? Or could it be the optics and public relations blowback that would come from that move? They push it far enough i’m sure that’s going to be the end result since they are all contracted employees anyhow.

My mom worked for Phillip Morris as the sales rep for the Azores when I was a kid in a the 80s and it was mindboggling stupid the stuff they would throw around. I literally went to school with a Marlboro jacket, Marlboro backpack, Marlboro lunchbag and on nicer days a fine pair of marlboro windbreakers. Ah how the

As someone who has a personal hobby building computers any company that builds a closed system and charges people thousands more for something that will be a paperweight in a year or two is a scumbag company in my view. That was my biggest qualm with them but I will say this their marketing department is the best in

Yes lets cry tears of pity for the poor baggage handlers who took a job that pays minimum wage is going to be increased in a little over 2 years time to substantially more than the minimum wage.

Pay them what though? I mean do you think their job is any more intricate than working at Mcdonalds? Do you think there is any sort of specific skillset that being a baggage handler requires over say a fry cook at Mcdonalds or someone bagging groceries? I’m not debating they probably deserve more money but the minimum