
So basically someone made Tetris into pulltabs.

You really need someone to explain to you why a family entirely composed of attention whores might fabricate part of a story of a robbery for their own gain?

Drugs are fun, and if you and a group of your buddies are hanging out either popping or snorting oxy’s i’m pretty positive you aren’t doing it for pain management.

As someone who lives in one of these towns where there are more overdoses than job openings I can personally say most of the people who have overdosed got their start on that path from taking prescription painkillers.

Because in the words of the immortal John Delorean “Fuck you and your regular fucking doors”

He’s a vet for christ sakes give him a break his day consists of either killing animals or castrating them.

Yeah but he’s one of those vets that doesn’t get a 10% discount at Applebees.

No I don’t but it kind of flies in the face of your whole argument that you can’t protest at work since every morning I drive by and there’s the local IBEW picketing at their place of work.

I was more of pointing out every time someone has an argument about this issue the constitution gets dragged out as some sort of document handed down by god and is unassailable. Which completely glosses over the fact that your whole point was about the first amendment which i’ll let you figure out what an amendment

Yeah and it doesn’t take any sort of god given ability or education to be a starbucks barista those people are replaceable and if you shitcanned that employee I don’t think anything of note would be lost to Starbucks bottom line. Now getting rid of a star WR or LB or QB etc. that hurts your bottom line and is why

Yeah thank god even though free speech wasn’t even included in the constitution!

You don’t belong to a labor union do you?

Well I suppose you could murder all the police you would really need to work your ass off towards that goal though.

It’s a sport on the fringe because like you said the only people who really care about it are hillbillies or people who tuned in after Dale Sr. died. Really if you are into racing are you going to watch this shit for 4 hours week in week out or do you watch something like Formula 1 or Indy Car? And i’m not sure they

I’m pretty sure liberals and conservatives are generally pretty ignorant about American history as a whole. Ultra-liberals think everything that happened in US history had some deep seated racist element to it or was fulfilling some sort of Imperialistic goal. And Ultra Conservatives think anything that happened

Really because i’m pretty sure there was a time when it did better ratings than the NBA in the early 00's and it’s definitely more popular than the NHL which puts up ratings numbers close to a repeat of Golden Girls at 3 in the morning on the hallmark channel.

Yeah I agree De Gaulle was a scumbag.

Holy shit sign me up to be an NFL player then I mean 7 figure salary and only 1 day of work a week I had no idea the NFL outlawed practices and reviewing game film.

Ok and? Just because i’m not living in fucking Afghanistan or North Korea doesn’t mean everything is just peachy. For all the great things the USA says it is it’s a lie our healthcare is a joke, education system is a joke, wealth inequality is fucking laughable I mean we have a GINI Coeffecient approaching a failed

That’s not a haircut it’s a prodigious application of Soul-Glo.