
I guess network "synergy" wasn't a thing back then. I guess it didn't help they were produced by different studios. Great idea, though … the Silver Platters meet the Partridges.

I am so grateful for being able to be a child/teenager in the 70's and live through the golden age of drunken daytime tv game shows like Squares and Match Game. Between game shows and soap operas, I felt very prepared for adulthood. Poor kids now have to be subjected to Nickelodeon and Disney. How will they learn?

And now Steven can be gay for reals and in a love triangle with guys named Sammy and Joe.

All My Luggage … "No, no, no! This can't be happening!" And the chapel scene. Priceless.

I had forgotten about the apple pie trees. Blatant Kroft ripoff. And the fried pies with the delicious but lava-hot apple or cherry filling have been replaced by tepid microwaved pretenders.

On the bright side, I can finally say something positive about her.

I wouldn't mourn the "loss" of a Klan wizard, either.

Yes, which made it that much suckier.

Years ago, Esquire magazine did a poll but with some odd questions like which of the Real Housewives of Bedrock was sexier. This was teased on the cover with a picture of Wilma with the caption, "She's no Betty."

And despite all the yelling, Wilma doesn't let him in (nor on The Jetsons does Jane ever bother to stop the dog treadmill - though Family Guy addressed this iissue decades later). Some seriously passive-aggressive wives (though with Wilma, it's understandable).

Interesting story … despite some of the oddities (Fred being an actor, his Hollywood midcentury modern house) I find it plausible as I think at that same age (albeit 26 years earlier), I was savvy enough to understand that cartoons weren't real but could not grasp the concept of film/videotape (thinking all tv was

Yes, he played Kyle Sampson, who was involved with Reva Shayne (whom I detested). He didn't last long, though. Preferred him on Edge of Night.

What doesn't incur the wrath of conservative crybabies? However, I'm not surprised at their inability to separate reality from fiction.

It's not about "strategy" and "alliances" and trying to make others look bad to make one's self look seemingly good. It's people doing what they love and knowing that everyone else there has the same passion. I'm cynic in spades but there is nothing to disparage about this quaint little tv oasis.

"Lance Bass hosts gay Bachelor" also a great title for a Craigslist m4m ad should things go south with Mr. Daley.

Tastes like how I think laundry starch would.

Testify, brother!

I can tolerate a hint of it …. but you almost never get less than a mound it in NorCal. Why don't you just get a can of Niagara starch and spray it on your burrito?

I guess because Pyramid has always been about the game so there's nothing you can get from a new version that you can't get from watching 70s or 80s Pyramid. The celebrities weren't really all that important on Pyramid as they are critical to Match Game (and 80s Pyramid had second- and third-tier co-stars from Gimme

The quirky queen of Seat 6.