
If only he could channel some of Cullen's hosting abilities.

I am loving the shade thrown by the woman who got Coultergeist's seat … no words needed.

I'll watch the show if I'm home but I rarely make it through the hour. Between Carey's "let's-just-go-through-the-motions-so-I-can-get-my-check" delivery (the contestants have to provide all the excitement, which is why, I guess, the show is so much louder now) and boring new games (like the rat race one), it's a

I have no idea. And I don't want to go to their website to find out, lest every website I visit spams me with rodent pizza ads.

The only restaurant job worse than working at the OG in Times Square is working at a Chuck E, Cheese in Times Square.

Has there ever been a series update that turned out well?

The efficiency expert/arsonist. Such a great mini-story arc.

This is standard operating procedure for all the conservative bottom-feeders like Hannity. Helps play into the whole "liberals are fascists" narrative that his lemmings lap up.

I thought Lana Kane's father had it?

I dunno …. seems like he'd be the king of barebacking.

Yeah, hadn't seen him on air for quite some time. Saw him announce on air 3-4 years ago that he was going to cut back his appearances but was reassuring viewers it was a personal decision. He was TCM.

I think Endora was reading "Harpie's Bazaar" in a couple episodes of Bewitched.

Get a bloody clock already.

But isn't that being "politically correct?" Sounds like the conservative elites were fine so long as his provoking the "right groups" and attacking the left. What's changed?

Nice synopsis. During the whole NC bathroom bill debacle, I was calling all the conservative men out who were posting their own rabid restroom rape fantasies - but attributing them to what TG people would do.

Guess this effectively ends conservatives' ability to claim Milo was "silenced" at Berkeley when they are engaging in the same behavior they accused liberals of (though I thought that Milo paid for the professional "anarchists" himself). Guess conservatives aren't the champions of "free speech" they market themselves

He's a novelty act, a gay conservative/libertarian. Or, more to the point, another conservative narcissist/attention whore like Ann Coulter whose act consists of pushing other people's buttons and then disparaging said people for getting the reactions he wanted. He's only gotten as far as he has because of that

I also always wondered if she ever resented playing two legendary tv characters that, Ordinary People notwithstanding, she could never top or entirely escape.

The Dick Van Dyke Show and The Mary Tyler Moore Show are the two most influential shows for me. I watched Mary and The Mary Tyler Moore Hour when they originally aired and you aren't missing anything. The ep. with Van Dyke isn't bad. I feel bad for Mary because I think this is what she always wanted to do.

I am known as the "pie guy" to friends and co-workers but I think there is just something about a pie baked by grandma that we mere mortals can never reproduce. I use the pastry blender from my paternal grandmother and the rolling pin from my maternal grandmother but can't reproduce their magic.