Because a biracial baby is the bloody gucci of babies, darling.
Because a biracial baby is the bloody gucci of babies, darling.
Maybe if we’re lucky, next year will see Kara in front of the Shade Court backdrop, captioned
I am inconsolable.
Troll rating: 4/10
1) I know you wanna be funny, and shocking, but honestly this is just sad and despairing.
My thoughts exactly on this article.
This is in incredibly poor taste and not funny.
Under the anonymity of the internet, I can actually confirm it was Harvey Weinstein. I went to grad school with Ashley Judd and she told this story as we were discussing adult development and how some powerful men end up as predators. She was young when it happened and I absolutely believe her because a) every fucking…
See, now you’re letting your trolling just become too obvious.
Who the fuck is starring this butthole and got him out of the grays?
the roaches shall finally inherit the earth like they always deserved.
Person put on spot - does not look good.
kind of a #notallmen argument you’ve got there.
It’s rude to tell me how to eat my pizza.
Seriously, give the ethnic Jews the floor here. Your family wasn’t in danger of being murdered.