You mean we won’t get to watch the same three Jeopardy questions on loop for the duration of a cab ride? Raw deal.
You mean we won’t get to watch the same three Jeopardy questions on loop for the duration of a cab ride? Raw deal.
I’m watching this season out of habit, but so far it’s been pretty awful.
To be fair, it wasn’t just Carrie’s fault....that was a bad show. Audra turned it out but she can’t carry the whole damn evening with two songs.
I was once called a faggot by a homeless guy in Philadelphia because I wouldn’t get off the phone (I was talking to my mother) to answer him when he asked me for money.
Explains why Nick Carter had such a horrible battle with substance abuse. A lot of pop stars develop them but Nick’s were BAD bad. He’s unrecognizable now.
lol “But people were polite back then and greeted their father at the door when he returned home from work and helped him with his coat.”
Kara I kept forgetting to let you know but I have never gotten a bigger kick out of anything than reading the thirsty-ass Ed Sheeran fans who trailed in the wake of you and Ed’s twitter convos.
Why is everyone forgetting about the Sheens (nee Estevez)? Martin, Charlie, and Emilio. There’s three.
I don’t think this article is blaming Tina; it’s just highlighting the sad fact that EVERYONE assumes Lou Diamond Phillips is latino because casting directors decided he was “spanishy” enough, basically.
Maybe he left the sink on.
I’m a lifelong New Yorker and I don’t give fourteen fucks about people using utensils to eat their pizza. It’s their damn business.
Reading about requested last meals always break my fucking heart. State-Sanctioned killing has no fucking place in civilized society. I can’t believe the people who organize and carry this shit out can sleep at night.
I like him a lot. He’ll grow into it.
That’s why I can’t fuck with BK anymore. Queens has managed to be safe and clean without bending over backwards to cater to yuppie hipsters (but I’m told that it actually has in many ways, it just looks better by comparison).
Yes to issues with Kinja and agree with Bears. Charging exorbitant fees so people can eat Reeses Puffs is fucking dumb. Make your own damn cereal or just open a specialty foods store that sells American cereal.
inb4 heated discussion about whether or not those are baby hairs on the prada models and if that constitutes appropriation.
*squeals audibly causing coworkers to grill the fuck out of me*
I’m sorry, I know that this is callous, but any ‘grief’ she feels over the Holocaust is appropriated as far as I am concerned.
This isn’t a religion thing; when you convert to Judaism you don’t also acquire the pain and suffering we’ve endured, and therefore it really isn’t a convert’s place to have an opinion on how born Jews process their grief over the Holocaust.