
I follow Claude and 20committee and Mensch and they are all full of information.

Or the one that’s gerrymandered to hell

Great, your article I am sure describes a cure for racism and misogyny! Otherwise fuck you and fuck trump voters. White supremacy still exists sorry they can’t get ahead in a world created for their success. Seriously fuck you HamNo.

Virulent racism and white male patriarchy.

Don’t forget night skiing!

Wrong, these cunts sads are the only joy to be had

Lol. Do you have a citation for that gun stat pumpkin? Also some stats on military support of Trump would be sweet. Glad to see you by into NRA propaganda. Thanks!

Also, the arrogance of Jill Stein in thinking she is remotely qualified to be the fucking president tells you how deranged she is. She is nothing, she is a joke. Her supporters are literally less informed than trumpets, and think the damage done by Bush appointees to the SCOTUS, is no big deal. You’re dumb, dummy. Lol

Wow, everyone at the site formerly known as gawker is privileged and precious and votes for their feelings. I am surprised and shocked.

Ugh, I bet you smugly reproduced the most repellent little monsters that are also lacking a sarcasm gene.

Hillary Clinton personally has blood on her hands because why?? She followed the POTUS as SoS, he sets foreign policy, it’s on him, but nice assertion of your dumb opinion as fact. Ffs.


People who pray in public and force others to respect their belief in a bearded magic sky daddy are the worst sort of assholes destroying our country. Fuck prayer, is that clear enough? The rest of us will think for you.

If only rightwing bigots, I assume you and the people who starred your asinine comment, could make their teeny, tiny brains understand that “acceptance” does not mean acceptance of your hate and bigotry.

Laughing. A lot. AT YOU

Surrender to the flow = phish lyric. The Lizards. Judge Rich how you will based on that.