The BERN Supremacy

Exactly why I’m not voting. I would write in Bernie but I would rather just stay home.

The vote I’m not casting is also irrelevant huh?

Yeah, except Trump could fuck up so bad that he would destroy the corrupt corporations that control our economy.

Like the Clinton Foundation?

Yeah that’s the way to get the marginal vote.

Ok, for the last time.

Dude please, please do not feed me this propaganda BS. Trump sucks. I know this. I’m not voting for him.

Yeah, you’re not getting paid by Correct The Record. LOL come on dude. At least speak honestly with me here. I’m not even voting.

Just because she has the institutions that should prosecute her working for her instead does not mean she isn’t a criminal.

Not voting for Hillary dude. She’s a lying, corrupt criminal. Can’t do it.

Dude - this election is Russian roulette right?

Dude... first of all I’m not defending Trump. He sucks alright?

Stick to Correct The Record chat windows you complete dork.

You joking bro?

Don’t pretend I don’t know how this shit works bro.

“Your guy had his nomination stolen from him by a scumbag woman. So you should shut up.”

Dude. I’m not voting. Fuck both these people. Honestly though more interested in what destruction Trump could cause to these corrupt institutions and corporations.

Rioting? I’m not even going to vote. You think I’m going to riot?

Climate change causes terrorism bud. Nobody disagrees with that.