The BERN Supremacy

Hillary rigged the primary and lost to Trump.  Stop trying to shift blame.  Very transparent.

There’s only one, hon. 

I def see what you’re saying, but the tech isn’t that far off to create and unhackable e-voting system that allows for more participation securely.

Butterfly was not bad really. My gf at the time loved it and I always said it sucked. Wasn’t too bad though if I’m being honest.

I’m the complete opposite of a narcissist actually. I’m socialist... ring a bell? I want everyone to have a comfortable safety net, not just me.

EXACTLY! With online voting you would just need enough encryption and user keys to make sure each vote was authentic and unique. It honestly isn’t that hard to do.

Thanks for the insults but I did a lot of canvassing for Bern and donated what I could. I attended rallies and helped others do the same. His message was real and it was honest. He was a great candidate and a better person.

Well, every poll says that Hillary is crushing Trump, so how would a Trump win not be a voting irregularity? That’s what I’m saying.

Yeah yeah I’m considering going to vote for the non-presidential stuff. Considering. If we are being honest I’m just going to stay home and smoke bud though.


More of a Silkk and C-Murder fan but yeah. Good stuff.

Jesus. Enough with the insults.

Invent something worse. I can’t even imagine.

Man I remember when rapping was actually a art that required talent. Tupac’s lyrics still hit home. Biggie could freestyle. Nas had lyrics that meant something. Even real old school Joes like Grandmaster Flash did some original stuff and that goes for the No Limit Soldiers too.

Hillary is a criminal and Trump’s a doofus.


I’m not voting for her because she’s a criminal but it’s an ok kicker to know she’s definitely going to win anyway and I won’t have to hear anymore shit from these Clinton loyalists.

And this is why we still have nukes. SMH

Hillary is a lying, corrupt criminal and Trump is a moron.

Haha ; )