Bernie Would Have Won

I know, it’s so crazy. If they were actually going to do that they would choose a dungeon in Brussels or something. Or a secret hotel in Saudi Arabia. Or a private island in the Caribbean with all that nice, warm water and beautiful sand. Or an old castle in Scotland, retrofitted to feel like a real castle from

Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-Japanese baseball. I actually think it’s flattering that after WWII they picked up our pastime. I’m just saying that clubs these days have been so burned by high-value pros out of Japan that lacked the one thing everyone thought they had - value.

Fuck white people!- Alex Alverez

The person who invented the telescope should have more money than Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook lets me read what my fat ex girlfriends think about politics and life, and it makes me look at their babies as well. Some of them are cute, but would have been cuter if I was the father. Most of them are not cute, but don’t

His speech was more of a shoutout to UNICEF and other orgs that are doing actual good around the world than it was a pat on the back for making a show about it, but he still could have added something political in there to make it clear.