This man is old and kind. Reminds me of Bernie actually.
This man is old and kind. Reminds me of Bernie actually.
John McCains claim to fame is being stuck in a cage for 5 years. That’s not that hard to do, trust me.
If blacks were in charge, America would be 10 times better, that’s a fact.
I agree, but every time I stand up to a Conservative, I get my ass kicked. I mean, these guys lift weights and crossfit and shit.
From here on out, Russia will be in charge of all nukes.
Let’s be honest. Most of trump’s cabinet will consist of Russian spy’s sent to infiltrate the DNC. Hillary really put us in a bind with those damn servers.
With Obama becoming the next Cuban dictator, I think you will see more of an influx of talent coming to American baseball.
All news is fake news now. There is no way the liberal elites would run a sex ring out of a pizza parlor.
As a cisgendered trans. I do not approve of this.
OBJ dropped 3 passes including the game tying touchdown. He obviously drank too much Mad Dog and banged too many strippers while in Miami. He should have been more focused.
I totally agree. White media has become fake news. MSNBC and CNN try to put down the POC any chance they get.
These rich celebrities don’t care about you. They want to get paid. Bernie cares. $20 minimum wage.
Damn white people and their hidden racism.
I don’t look at people in those terms.
The one good thing about Drump- weight loss.
Ted Nugent and Kid Rock are real professionals and will not let us down.
This is fake news. Of course, all the dresses are sold out.
Bernie would have gotten rid of all the guns. We really blew it.
I’m hoping she performs at Trump’s Inauguration.
Bernie hates celebrities. He gave the BLM a platform.