
I honestly don’t understand the scorched earth tactic that many people are taking regarding LW 1. Are we not all intersectional feminists here? And we’re taking one person’s class-based judgments on motherhood to be truth? Sorry, bu I remain skeptical of this one-sided portrayal.

Yes! And I must apologize, since I’m not responding to you directly,but rather building onto what you posted. I have to wonder if LW’s perspective isn’t a little bit harsh or even class based. We only have her word for it that her to-be sister-in-law is not a ‘respectable’ mother. I wonder if these kind of judgments

Look, I know you think you’re being funny, but this comment is so, so, so gross. How can you joke about being encouraged to drink bleach? Jesus, the amount of young people who have been told over and over again to drink bleach by trolls, and have actually done it—how can you think this is even remotely funny?