Do not reply to Locomotive Jones. He’s a well known troll on Jez that likes to post images of gore. Dismiss him.
Do not reply to Locomotive Jones. He’s a well known troll on Jez that likes to post images of gore. Dismiss him.
I’m sure the College Republicans who invited him are thrilled that this happened, because it lets them continue to wallow in their persecution complex.
it’s weird to me that the right is constantly crying about how everyone always assumes they are racist and sexist, and then they embrace someone flagrantly racist and sexist as their poster boy and use his heinous speech for an example of how conservative thought is oppressed. like, republicans please just admit that…
Good going, protestors! As long as no one was hurt, it’s good to put these goons and neo-nazis that they will not be tolerated, or compensated, for spewing their hate speech.
We exist solely for Joe Biden.
Delaware isn’t even a real place. It only exists when someone from out of state is there to physically observe it...and only exists for that person.
Me every 10 minutes of this farce:
Frederick Douglass died in 1895.
Agreed. And people saying don’t filibuster Gorsuch, just shut the fuck up. Don’t you realize that if your starting statement is, “well we don’t want to sink to their level” - then you may as well just proactively write a bill that hands the entire US government to the Republican part in perpetuity because they are…
Drug memoirs are so boring. I can’t decide which I like less - new mom think-pieces or reminiscences by a junkie.
And those Reagan recessions and that insane taxpayer bailout of the savings and loans, which was caused by *gasp* deregulation of financial institutions. We see over and over again how this shit works out, and we still do it over and over again. This is why we can’t have nice things. Despair here.
For anyone not old enough to know, things weren’t “great” when Reagan was president. He was an unqualified ass with an astrology following witch for a wife. Plus, due to his encroaching Alzheimer’s, Pops Bush was calling the shots through most of his last term.
Gorsuch was one of my professors at CU Law.
And male. Just in case anyone’s vagina was thinking of getting uppity.
Paul Ryan is such a spineless weasel. I can’t believe that people like him and Mitch McConnell are supposed to be keeping Donald in check.
I was shocked to see that any non-white, non-male, non-rich people would be delusional enough to vote for Trump. So many things about people taking him “seriously, not literally” and I don’t understand why people genuinely believed he was just playing a character on TV and wasn’t going to do the things he claimed. I…
I have a coworker whose husband has numerous chronic and expensive health problems (including cancer he’s currently receiving round 2 of chemo for, and uncontrollable diabetes due to a destroyed pancreas which is due to a form of scleroderma) - he’s on SS disability and she works 2-4 days a week as an hourly worker…
Well, that’s what they get for thinking they were white enough not be affected.
“Almost everything went wrong.”
Following the New York primary Tuesday, dozens of New Yorkers pilgrimaged to Rochester’s Mount Hope Cemetery to…