
This is an excellent question. I’ve gathered a panel of experts on the female body to see if they can find out what exactly is going on with... all that:

MA is special election so it’s not as bad.

Warren will be in her mid-70s in 2020. I’d love to see her as president, but I’m not holding my breath.

1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over

Not to be outdone (but still hopelessly cute):

Except it is really not that new. Conservation has been a driving force for zoological facilities for the last several decades.

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.

There are a couple hundred Malayan tigers left; just leaving them all where they live is maybe not the best way to still have Malayan tigers in ten years.

Jeez, didn’t you know free speech means I can say whatever I want and everyone has to listen! Pretty sure that’s what it means.

Americans in general can’t handle the concept.

The Constitution protects your free speech from government intrusion.

“Free speech” you say that but it’s clear you don’t understand what actually constitutes free speech or grasp the simple fact that Facebook as a private company is under no legal obligation whatsoever to allow you a podium to voice support for a sexist, fear mongering bigot.

yes, that is literally free speech. you being annoying is protected by the first amendment, from government interference.

It still amazes me how many people don't understand the concept of free speech. You're a moron.

I want this to be the top comment.

Also: De Niro said his wife believes their son, who has autism, “changed overnight” after being vaccinated. “I don’t remember.”

Wait this is a great story

He was a partner in the Houston office of my law firm prior to running for Congress. Despite being largely conservative and Republican, everyone in the office (and the firm, generally) loathed him, so much so that to this day, no one wants to use his former office. It’s considered tainted.

Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.