Oh, Chrissy Teigen is horribly annoying on social media. I followed her for years and finally had to unfollow her because she was just so annoying.
Oh, Chrissy Teigen is horribly annoying on social media. I followed her for years and finally had to unfollow her because she was just so annoying.
Drake is already married to Chrissy Teigen but otherwise I totally endorse. She’s so, SO annoying on social media.
This is the kind of stuff that makes ABC’s groundbreaking smash series DWS such a great show. You get to peak inside the real selves of celebrities. The raw, human vulnerability this show offers the viewer is probably only matched by another hit ABC series and of course I am talking about The Bachelor, The…
Oh God. Also says “Fuck Obama” in the upper left.
I recently made a comment about strapping Jay Cutler to a rocket and firing that rocket into outer space.
Here’s an idea:
He would be destroying Trump.
Hillary needs every vote she can get twice.
He would be up.
Mine is. This article is about Hillary losing to Trump.
Keep trying.
Yeah, so OJ isn’t a criminal.
Ok, but Hillary and the DNC caused this.
Yeah.. ok.
Ohho. No no. I am NOT voting for Hillary. Not voting for Trump either.
Bernie STILL polls better against Trump than Hillary does.
Sorry, just not going to vote for Hillary the criminal or Trump the buffoon.
Yup. Exactly.
What you said doesn’t even mean anything.
She’s so awful. Before the primary I would have voted for her because I didn’t know the extent to which her corruption existed. But man, she is fucking terrible.