
Does it though? I’m usually one to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t know about this one. A codename for an old software tool that isn’t even being used anymore somehow gets set as the name? That seems far fetched. Or, someone tried to make a racist joke and it somehow snuck through? Unfortunately

The issue that really shitty little wankers who think racism is funny love the kind of plausible deniability you’re offering so generously.

Sure this may have been a mistake but damn it’s really hard to give the benefit of the doubt on this one. One part of me is wants to believe the good in humanity and cast it off as a mistake and the other part is going “I’ll bet some a hole there, snuck this in thinking no one would make the reference because they

Is this a sponsored ad?

If I turned on a news channel and I saw a Black female anchor and a Black male co anchor, I’d be like, “OK, I see you”.

  • Abortion Rights

You are helping to build one, all your $$$ are belong to Pharoh, I mean C-Suite.

Not enough to matter, the trickle is warm and yellow down here.

Around these parts, the MAGA people drive Fords.  I think maybe because it's harder to spell Chevrolet.

At least they pass the savings on to us!


So $70,000 for something built for $3 an hour? Am I buying a pyramid?

It is ironic that these America "loving" people drive a truck asked assembled on Mexico. 

All the Great MURICANS driving like crap in those GM trucks love to tout “Freedom’ etc. Yeah all that BS is on the backs of poorly paid honest people. Yeah guess the poor dont matter in ‘Freedom’ - send em back and make em work for me so I can buy cheap shite. More like FK em. I hope every funking member of MAGA

I just watched a clip of a Senator demanding that Mayorkas stop people crossing the border, suggesting that a wall would, that deporting more people would, and that somehow bricks of fentanyl were carried by children who are somehow making cartels rich by getting themselves smuggled across the border.

That was horrible. I wish I had thought of it.

Never underestimate the gusto of wealthy first-adopters. The race to be first=cool is as intense as it is neverending.

Meanwhile, flippers online are trying to get a quarter of a million bucks and up on an unproven EV from an unproven company.

Lucid, you got some ‘splaining to do. 

Sounds to me like the kind of thing a new company/startup goes through as they try to ramp up production and work through issues.