
It makes a golf cart look expensive.

Not sure the point of the comparison. The Hongguang Mini EV‘s base price is almost a tenth (yes tenth) of that of the Model 3…I would worry if it wasn’t outselling the Tesla. It makes the Bolt look expensive.

1st Gear: A lot of China’s population doesn’t actually make all that much money. Yes, even now after years of growth. Their upper class and upper middle class have ballooned, but the blue collar population is still massive. Combine that with small streets and often limited parking and a smaller car makes sense. The

Correct, there is no meaningful difference at this point.

Do not forget their tendency to make videos talking about their views posing in front of their gun collection, while holding a gun and or religious texts.

I have been thinking about this for some time.

Aren’t Rivian’s “hand built?” I’m not seeing anything like this on a Rivian.

Still don’t you think they should have done better on something they intended to display?

Prototype Ferraris are built buy hand and they look amazing. Why can’t Elon hire people with better skills?

I think you misunderstood my comment. I could not agree more with you.

Especially bare exposed SS panels.

FLAT stainless steel panels at that. It goes from bad to worse.

You are joking right? I design and install commercial kitchens. S/S dents are absolutely heinously easy to see and hard to fix. This finish will be the absolute spawn of Satan to maintain.

If anything, that would make me MORE worried since it’s built by hand by people who KNOW that it’ll be a demo/shown to the public, and they still didn’t give enough of a shit to make the panels line up.

This is not good! I don’t care how great Tesla is for breaking the mold and bringing EV’s to the masses. When your company is already notorious for panel gaps, you just don’t put shit like this out on display.

I don’t get the snark either. It reads like a facebook post from a Trumper uncle or tinfoil hat right winger, “EVs caught fire and the liberal elite are still pushing them, and onto mothers! Won’t somebody think of the children?”

Did we all just forget that Hyundai also had a huge EV recall from their LG batteries bursting into flames as well? I guess cool retro styling is what it takes to be allowed to move on, not an ad campaign.

He’s robbed of not only the years in jail, but his entire future that never was of life having not been jailed. Meanwhile, a murder is likely still walking free and a victim lacks justice. Her family should support his suit and sue too.

The headlines should read that this was spearheaded by a black man since the media “genderizes” everything else black folks do when we make accomplishments. Shout out that young brother, Chris Smalls!

Vasectomies also can be reversed