
A comment so dark a cop just unholstered his weapon upon reading it.

We can add Kei trucks to the growing list of things that have more rights than women in Texas.

You think they would be filing a lawsuit if they didn’t have proof? Sure, there is abuse from people with entitlement issues, but they wouldn’t have standing to win a lawsuit.

How long till the GOP guts this cause it shows favoritism to disabled people instead of healthy people.

Unless it was a really, really good one.

Barber “attempted to educate the manager that what he was doing was considered discrimination, but the manager would not relent,” the complaint said. She “did her best to explain that her dog was not a pet, but in fact a working service animal. Nonetheless, the manager doubled down on his discrimination and claimed

Put other drivers at risk, and their passengers. Parents with kids. Just as bad as DUI. What a complete POS.

Gosh, that’s “awful”. Given how huge, cumbersome, and unnecessary the Origami Truck is, I hope owners aren’t expecting sympathy from me.


Which, on the surface, I mostly agree with.

poll- whats more likely, he tracked the GT once he got to the raceway, or they just swapped cars the second they were out of sight of the rental agency? bonus points for voting both.

To be fair, most people with a track record of causing as many accidents as Verstappen has would not be allowed to rent a car at all.

At least with BMW turn signals, if they don’t work, nobody will ever notice.

The worst job in the world right now is Cybertruck manufacturing engineer. So many components use new processes or extremely difficult processes and Elon losing his shit every time he looks bad because the schedule slips.

“Unexpected”? By who? And how haven’t they already learned that Musky lies through his teeth constantly? Anyone with a brain (including multiple reporters I’ve seen covering this) expected them to massively fail to deliver on their promises. That's the Musk way.

A Cybertruck production delay? I’m shocked.


Beat me to it.

This is one of the few times I wouldn’t blame tesla that much since battery chemistry and manufacturing is fucking hard.

I question the use of the word “unexpected” to describe any Tesla issues at this point...