
Yes, he does. And he is indeed an idiot.

there was plenty of slavery in the north, both in official states and (at the time) territories yet to be made states:

You still benefit, as a white person, from the wealth inequalities that have carried over from the days of slavery. Idiot.

Two errors in that sentence. Would you like me to point them out to you? 

Can we at least get the axis countries out of the heritage month group? Especially the Irish...

They are charging the top line in order to intimidate her into taking a plea and thus not have to defend a no-knock approach in court, which, even in Florida, they might very easily lose. It is cop corruption. And weed? Come on guys, half the nation is legalizing it already. Just quit the puritanism and get with the

Don’t forget...

Whomever he is pandering to will disappoint him when they are done using his silly, misguided and deeply mistaken carcass. I feel sorry for a Black man who will literally sell his soul to the devil. 

I just want to take a moment and acknowledge that both Diamonds Ford and Anthony Gantt are alive and well enough to be fighting this. I don’t know if it’s the jurisdiction or progress, but dealing with what seems like some clearly trumped up attempted murder of a law enforcement officer charges is so much better than

Really? A quick google search of “teacher fired for racist comments” implies having a teaching degree does not impart any special wisdom. :)

A 40 year old teacher did this ya’ll.

I feel sorry for her, but when the fuck are we gonna stop rewarding stupid people for stupid shit?

Certainly in the short term, hopefully the surgeon can help her avoid permanent damage and she comes through this with no worse after effects than forever being known as the reason Gorilla Glue also says “do not apply to scalp” on their products.

The hair is a lost cause.  Always was.  I’d be more concerned about not losing my scalp.  

Bald is beautiful. Also, (likely) inevitable.

I have lived in Md for 49 of my 51 years. I have had cool cops and fuck boys to deal with in PG, AA and MoCo as well as state troopers. The outcome of this will affect me personally and potentially my 3 kids who are all driving age. If more accountability is going to send “good cops” to work elsewhere, I am willing to

The Keep Maryland Safe website frames its pitch around the need to protect the “good officers”...

Democrats need to highlight everything horrible he said over the years that fomented this event. Every statement, every tweet, is evidence.

Here’s what fucked up about all this; the whole time Trump was president they kept saying he couldn’t be touched because he’s the they’re arguing he can’t be touched because he’s no longer president. Fuck that.

Low energy Obama didn’t get impeached even once in 8 years. Sad.