
I can’t find a warning label for Gorilla Glue, but the Material Safety Data Sheet is loaded with warnings about it being a skin irritant and not to breathe the vapors. I don’t see how you can read that and say “doesn’t say anything about hair, I’m good!”

Far from it, we’re democratic socialists!

“Warning: Easy Off Oven Cleaner should NOT be mixed with Kahlua for a tasty cocktail, not fed to babies In lieu of pureed peas, not used a currency to purchase a monthly transit pass (continued on other box)...”

My wife is more opposed to a minivan out of principle than I am.

Practically speaking, she’s not wrong when she says we only have 2 kids, so we don’t need one, as they’re effing huge. An Odyssey is 26.5" longer than our Mazda CX-5, and almost 14" longer than the Subaru Outback that she also thought was too big. We’re

This. I forced my wife to get a minivan (using logic and reason) and she agrees that it was one of the best vehicle purchases we’ve made.

do products now have to list everything they WON’T do or that you SHOULDN’T do with It?

They also don’t list everything it Can be used for, like Easy Off can be used for removing currency from another’s person, or transporting you to another dimension

This smells like a case of not reading labels

It reminds me of all the “DO NOT EAT” labels on detergent (not even pods, actual powder detergent) and the like. That would seem fairly obvious unless you are 6, but the labels being there clearly means some idiots  ate it.

Gorilla Glue doesn’t specifically warn against hair usage.

It might just be my circle of life, but for the last ~10 years the only people I know who really like vans are guys. Whether it be for road trips, camping, existing family, making a family, or whatever else, I do not think I’ve known a woman in the last decade who genuinely wanted a van over an SUV. The SUV/CUV

Because, for reasons I cannot begin to understand, people are buying crossovers instead. Even the best crossover is a kind of “worst of all worlds” compromise that’s too dumb to really live, too profitable to die — a warning to future generations about perverse incentives. The Honda Odyssey, on the other hand, is to

Politicians want kids to grow up stupid, so do a lot of parents. Kids growing up stupid will not embarrass their parents or elders by being able to contradict them or point out those parents and elders are out of date. Kids who grow up stupid will knuckle under and repeat the same old patterns. America wants its kids

I can’t help but notice that one of the major differences between police unions and teacher’s unions, is that then the teacher’s make threats (perhaps “your kids will grow up stupid!”), voters either don’t believe them, or know it’s too late.

You just know that any correspondence bearing the salutation “Dear Fascist White Supremacists” is going to be a little prickly, but, wow. You have to admire that kind of commitment. (Although everybody knows that writing “f***” rather than “fuck” is an absolute defence to charges of obscenity. Give the man his job

Given him a warning for profanity, and tell him he can swear as much as he wants using gmail, and that is it.

The dude is not wrong, but maybe skip all the f-bombs when sending emails from your work account in the future?!!? Seems like a teacher ought to know that.

Amen. The End.

I mean there’s lazy employees and then there’s this hair product with a giant OLIVE OIL written on it.

There are several different adhesives under the Gorilla Glue brand. The original Gorilla Glue is a water-reactive polyurethane - that doesn’t appear to be what’s in the spray can. I have not had particular joy using it as the need for heavy clamping and the amount of sticky squeeze-out makes using it miserable. A