
This is them. Sometimes you pretty much can judge a book by its cover:

Now playing

did they spell “United States” as “Russia” AGAIN?

That is a HARD 25. Ease up on the slap and the surgery, lady.  You look like a desperate housewife.

“Hahaha that’s wild. Go ahead babe I’ll pick you up outside after the game”.

Me: *i don’t know her.gif*

He’s a sugar daddy who pays for her cosmetic surgery and “influencer” lifestyle. They’re both trash.

Dog bless the Untied Tates of Amicare!

Lincoln wasn’t interested in the suffering of the slaves

Enough zeros on the lawsuit will get their attention, regardless of their home demographic.

This Elon is good Elon.

“It seems to me like they furnished them a house to live in. They furnished them clothes to put on their back. They furnished them food to put on their table and all they had to do was fucking work. And now we give ‘em all those things and don’t have to fucking work,” Allmond says.

White people, racist, in America? YOU DON'T SAY?!!!

This is Louisiana:

Its a racist donut, make with all racist ingredients, stuffed with racism, and covered with “pretending to not be racist” sprinkles (you know, the rainbow kind).. served on a platter of “we’re not racist” while a hawker yells racist slogans and epitaphs to get people to eat/buy the aforementioned

The funny thing is - this is Louisiana! While racism is in the DNA, it is also the preeminent state for Black folk “passing” to get through society. I would bet if they took DNA samples from some of the buried, they would have a significant number of them with African DNA. White folks run from like

Actually, I think the white girls get beaten by the pro athletes more but only because the Black and white athletes value acquiring them more then discover they’re still just women, not goddesses. What’s unusual here is that the athlete was white and did this to what appears to be a Black woman. And no one is

The NFL loves to rehab violent, abusive men to get them back on the field as quick as possible, as if their ability to play outweighs their behavior. I expect chinless Chad here to get either probation or the lightest sentence possible, followed by a PR rehab tour, before he shows up again on another team’s roster

It is the dumbest major sport, fitting it’s only popular in ‘Murica.  We live in a dumbass country where coaching footbaw is enough qualification to send a moron to the Senate.  

One thing I’ve learned in the past year is that I kinda don’t give a shit about football anymore. Seems like it brings out the worst in basically everyone.

Way back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, I was a young troop in the Air Force. Probably a dozen times, I heard people tossing around the N-word–or some other term–like they were talking about painting the house. I called a couple folks out on it and got pulled aside with the “you better watch your ass or you’re gonna

In the name of justice, the Federal Government absolutely must bring civil rights charges against this murderer who has committed a ropeless lynching, enabled by a state law that has already allowed race murdrrers to go free.