
No, you don’t understand, see what D.J. Broadus should have done is shot Fraser first. Naturally, having done so, he of course wouldn’t have been prosecuted - under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, which as we all know, doesn’t see color, and even dated a rapper once. Really, when you think about it, it’s Broadus’

Jesus, this feels like something you’d see set in the 1950's, but it’s happening now.

It’s almost like there are two justice systems in America. Has anyone ever thought to look into that?

Yep. That’s what would have happened to us...that is if we made it to jail and got bail. But I’m thinking there wouldn’t have been bail in the first place. And my mother would have been sitting in jail right beside me. 

They’re not even trying to pretend that there isn’t two systems. This motherfucker’s bail should have been revoked.

And now Chuck Schumer is talking about “sharing power”.  Give me a freaking break.

Seriously. The Democrats never cease to be Charlie Brown trying to kick that goddamn football. There is no common ground. They need to figure this out.

Today I made an appointment for my 96-year-old grandmother to get her Covid vaccine, so the universe has been sprinkling in good news non-stop all day long.

Are you referencing the GOP Congressional members who voted against certifying Joe Biden, shortly after a murderous terrorist mob stormed the Capitol? They didn’t seem shook, not one bit.

GOP learn? What chu smokin?

Nah. There is no common ground to find and she knows it. But she can’t say “Fuck the GOP” out loud without every member of the far-right having double strokes on the spot.

Oh it was absolutely done for optics. It was aimed at whites and basically to say “if you’re a white supremacist you should be with us.”

Two. Two? Two. Out of 25,000. Suuuuure.

Removed from the inauguration security team, but still in the Guard, so they could be deployed to your town the next time there’s a flood/earthquake/hurricane/wildfire/etc. Feel safe?

To be fair that was taken this summer during the pandemic; I’d be masked up too. Besides, still better than MOPP 4; that really sucks in the heat.

Mike Pence had the nerve to congratulate and offer help. Fuck off Mike, you can help by fucking off all the way out of here.

Mike Pence had the nerve to congratulate and offer help. Fuck off Mike, you can help by fucking off all the way out of here.

Dead, it’s written in Kenyan Swahili.

I can’t believe she’s not using Obama’s Koran!