
They shouldn’t let up until every last one of these crooks and terrorists are found, tried and punished. And if Biden comes In with that “let’s move on shit,” fuck him too.

Yeah, that’s quite a friend. I used to think a good friend would pick you up at the airport, but a great friend would help you move. Now we have to add “accessory after the fact to homicide” as the top of the friend hierarchy.

But hopefully never on Parole.

No, he’s just on Paler.

They’ve got two choices, according to Republicans:

What constitutional right is AWS denying by turning away Parler’s business? If you try to say the First Amendment, I’ll laugh in your face. Last I checked, Amazon is not the goverment.

What you posted has zero bearing with this. They have signed LEGAL documents agreeing to terms and conditions. The company is completely within their legal rights to terminate that agreement. The lawsuit wouldn’t last 5 seconds in court. There is no censorship/freedom of speech being taken away here.

The only way I can see criminal charges against Trump is if they are filed by the NY AG for all his past indiscretions over 40 years (of which he was never found guilty) like; fraud, rape, racketeering, jury intimidation, embezzlement, tax evasion etc. The one benefit is that Giuliani is now being investigated.

Except that they aren’t banning Parler based on lawsuits. They are banning them because they specifically violated the terms of the hosting service. Which is a PRIVATE company. They don’t want to be associated with Parler because it will hurt their bottom line.

And then there’s this.

It’s amazing how much people start to talk about “inclusivity” and “unity” and “bringing everyone together” after they get caught trying to overthrow the government

A majority of men and a majority of white people voted for Trump, Perdue, and Loeffler.

hell, 50k a month isn’t enough. i’d say a mil a year for these wrongful conviction cases. lives were stolen and swapped out for misery .

Thank you, Stacy Abrams, for being such an asset; thank you, Donald Trump, for not.

Meanwhile, Harrington said that for nearly 18 years prison robbed him of his chance to start a career, marry and have a family of his own, but none of that was going to make him confess to a crime he didn’t commit.

Like every other story about this kind of situation ... and I agree, it’s disheartening for the fact that there is a constant stream of them (and we all know there is an iceberg of volume that we never hear about) ... what I want, in just one of them, is personal consequences for the individuals involved.

Got more soul than a sock with a hole in it. RIP

For both a British father and son to die this young either means a hereditary disease or cancer. Their healthcare system is better than America’s and still couldn’t save them.

I liked Soul.