
They didn’t get their asses handed to them except in the presidential race.

The GOP has been stacking the deck for decades and they STILL got their ass handed to them in this last election.

Most of the tech VCs ARE white and they ARE scum.

When you’re born into the upper caste, everyone, regardless of color, is inferior unless their bank statement says otherwise. Google’s CEO, Pichai Sundararajan, is of the upper Indian caste and was reared to ignore the plight and concerns of those ‘lesser’ people beneath him. Is he racist? Probably. But he’s more of a

Good point. It’s about money when it comes to startups. If the money is controlled by white folks who won’t lend it to black folks, then the dream of launching a killer black-owned tech company is kind of dead in the water.

Its hard to start something when the gate keepers and barriers to work with other techs of color is that the majority of face and power in those positions are held by the same racists that is mostly 90%+ in those industries.

Hello deniers of racism. This is reason 4 billion why there’s things like Affirmative Action (which means shit to black folks), NAACP (also means shit for black folks, some founders were white), Civil Rights (just an appeasement to shut black folk up), BLM (I’ve seen good and bad with this), HBCUs, and other smoke

Cruel? He killed over 300,000 people. His actions are WAY beyond “cruel.”

See also: the idiots on Dateline who think that a “hot 15 year old” wants to fuck a 37 year old unemployed schlub and end up taking a seat across from Chris Hansen.

Loss of pension AND any/all legal fees and fines are the police’s (not the union, not the city, but personally) responsibility.

“If you won’t turn on your body camera, you cannot work in our city.”

“Feces Pieces”

“You got your white supremacist in my pedophile!”

Ah, I wonder is it the pedophiles giving the white supremacists a bad name or the white supremacists giving the pedophiles the bad name? 

That, and a hell of a lot of meth

I need a lot of convincing to prove that ALL white supremacists and Q-anon adherents are not sexual predators. Like, search histories and hard drives or GTFO.

Another fine example of the master race. And another example of the police not shooting someone after being assaulted. If they were raiding the home of innocent black people, then they might have shot him. How the hell was the pedophile allowed to run for office after doing time for threatening the president (never

In his final days in office, y’all’s soon-to-be-ousted president is reportedly losing all of his friends

What part of Get the fuck out does he not understand?

So much winning.