
They need to start listening to other people and start being team players.

And this shit...

i don’t hate white people

Guy carrying a BB gun “indistinguishable” from a real gun and lives to tell the tale?  Oh, white.  Got it.

“He was concerned about the driver speeding, so he wanted to ask him to slow down and so he found him and did that, but the driver yelled at him and he yelled back.”

He was concerned about the driver speeding, so he wanted to ask him to slow down and so he found him and did that, but the driver yelled at him and he yelled back.

She won’t learn anything.

I have some distant kin folk that are about that “dumb ass” life. Husband and wife had COVID when things first kicked off. Not the worst bout of it, but bad enough. They recovered. Son of husband and wife got married and had a big ole wedding in October. Half the people at the wedding....*shock* contracted it,

Yeah....these people calling for martial law to overturn an election are the same people who think that being asked to wear a mask is tyranny. They don’t see the irony.

“People out there talk about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 times.”

And mental illness. Every single one of them had some form of it. Bank on it.

More right-wing domestic terrorism. Shooting one of these racist, trump-loving motherfuckers wouldn’t just be self-defense, it would be a public service.

Spraying paint everywhere versus 1000 years of enslavement and genocide. Well.... 

I would buy that whole “I only vote republican because they are more fiscally responsible” if every one of the last 4 republican presidents didn’t end their term with a higher debt and deficit than they inherited.

They work, they just flash in colors you poors can’t perceive.

To be fair, not every light on the BMW’s dash is illuminated.

BMW in the Service Position

I’m bad at parking.


I got it lifted just for highway driving.

100% and it should be enacted in Bernard Brandon’s memory.