
When you actively court white supremecists, kind of just a matter of time before you get a selfie with one. This is like playing with matches and being surprised when you get burned but it’s an awesome self-own.

That guy is pretty bad. More like he graduated to leading a more hardcore, more organized, wealthier bunch of straight up Nazis who want to birth a Fourth Reich.

Bitch please!! Not only did you know, but you welcomed it. The GOP has made it obvious that they embrace and support white supremacy so FFS please stop lying about it. Be a proud bigot!

It has got to hurt when even the leaders of the KKK can't make time to do a photo op with you.

She didn’t know he was a former leader in the KKK. She thought he was still current and is pissed that she wasted her time on a has-been.

C’mon. She says there is not a racist bone in her body. The fact that she hangs out with the racist bones of others? Just a co-inky-dink.

Conspiracy to commit sedition and Trump is at the top of that pyramid of shit.

Sadly I think at least a few faces there will die by suicide after killing their family.

The last harumph.

You know her story, stupidity at the most extreme, it’s the literal/metaphorical version of being in the pen with the leopards that will eat her face.

It’s telling that they call themselves “boys” and not “men”. 

All lives matter wayne

He is an example as to why you don’t do all the drugs all the time. 

well, at least HE’S REAL

Lil Wayne =/= Lil Jon

Stupid idiot.

He is going straight to jail.

Maybe some kindly white corrections officer will take Lil Ugly Muhfukka under his wing and protect him, give him special privileges and freedom while he’s in prison.

You would think Lil Wayne would remember that it does not matter if you are rich or pander to a known racist or not, you are still a negro and there an’t no fucking way said racist is going to annoy his base just to pardon a disposable negro.

Of course he pled guilty. Only has 38 days left to get his pardon.