
Geeeeeeez, that last sentence.....Lol, you never hold back!

He doesn’t think, he KNOWS who he’s talking to...Black people who can be spoken to like that. After, of course, the white man has gotten what he needs from them (and sometimes before).

Biden is an idiot if he thinks the GO Nazi Party will meet him halfway. They are radicalized sub human degenerates one and all. The first people to call for his death and to attempt to murder him will be MAGAt police officers.

Unfortunately, this is a scene from an ER administering the vaccine in London:

I know this “honor” is stupid and doesn’t really matter, but the fact that this selection wasn’t “frontline healthcare workers” is just inane.

It was either Fauci, or trot Jerome Powell out to ask us to take a shot for Big Momma and Pop Pop.

So? A black woman also worked on the Tuskegee Experiment.

“I see snowflakes...”

The facts are; you followed innocent people, forcibly stopped their car, assaulted them, and hurled bigoted slurs at them in the process. Have fun in jail Sturdy. I hope my thinking isn’t too wishful here.

Her name is Stacey Abrams. Y’all tried this shit once. Fuck around and find out. She has a back up plan to the back up plan to the back up plan. The days of you fucking us over are done Jethro

The Georgia Senate Republicans have heard the calls of millions of Georgians who have raised deep and heartfelt concerns that state law has been violated and our elections process abused in our November 3, 2020 elections. We will fix this

dude, i’ve seen the same “biden wins 2020 election” headline on my news feed that links to the same article, every day. except that it’s also an updated article. so it’s like “he won, again.”

Damn ain’t that a bitch. Fuck with The USPS to rig the election and you still lose. Put three justices on The Supreme Court to try and rig the election and they tell your ass to kick rocks. I mean Lord Chunky Bottom is it setting in yet? I mean 9-0 from The Supreme Court. Damn you are looking like another useless NY

When you say he hasn’t had the right pieces... I’m not sure there are right pieces to play with him. He had Dwight Howard back when he only went invisible in the playoffs (as opposed to all the time now). He played with Westbrook TWICE, once with Durant, granted, they were young. He’s also had several other solid role

If Formula E had a one-page rule book that was mainly safety-related, and let the teams figure it out, it would be much more compelling, at least to me.

White people being racists are given position of power to work from home while poc given lower positions and there are plenty in my company have to physically come in to work and the meetings are fucking one sided from the people who are logging in at home with their laptops.

Now these racist ass white people who think that COVID only affects “certain demographics” will be fighting even harder to do nothing but go back to brunch with no protections because reasons.

I don’t think BMW has learned everything there is to learn from Formula E so much as BMW is just outrageously, intensely, staggeringly arrogant. I’m not sure why this is since their cars, while excellent in many ways, are not particularly better than plenty of other offerings at comparable price points.

(looks at state of BMW’s electric car offerings)

No they haven’t. 

Holy crap, you’re right. The WK2 Jeep Grand Cherokee only has corner jack points. There seem to be endless forum threads from people trying to figure out how the hell they’re supposed to put these things up on stands. The manufacturer’s position seems to be that if you don’t have a lift, you don’t get to work on your