
Without doing something about the toxic, racist, police culture that won’t really solve anything. We gotta a lot of non-kinfolk skinfolk in uniform who will fuck you over just as bad if not worse to prove something to their “brothers in blue” (until they toss your Black ass under a bus.)

Many cities are ending no knocks. Why? Because people are shooting back and hitting and killing what they are aiming for: intruders.

She’s 27. It’s willful ignorance at this point.

“my ONLY intention of posting the video was it raised my concerns with what the vaccine contains and what we are putting in our bodies.”

And lets not forget about this little nugget

According to a police report, Compton claims she didn’t realize the boys were kids.


All of this. It also costs the community money that could be used in better ways. When poor people are sick, they use more healthcare, but don’t have money to pay the bills. The money to cover those bills eventually comes out of public coffers and private pockets one way or another - whether it is tax dollars to

A white woman, out of her vehicle, circling the other person’s vehicle menacingly, calling herself the victim of something, is a perfect microcosm of America.

Good to know the police aren’t as powerful here yet as in China.

Sure. But racism is profitable for an awful lot of people. Johnson's aphorism about who turns out their pockets and why. 

The cop was the REAL plot twist to this one.

I’ll just leave this here.

This bitch damn well knew these kids. She was just sick and tired of seeing ‘other’ folk enjoying their lives while hers was sucking due to her own damn fault. She decided to go instigate some trouble by threatening children with a deadly weapon so everyone around would have to respect her. Then she could feel good

Civil court would help In shutting this shit down. Most of the time we’re happy when shit like this just falls on its face in criminal court, but this needs to be taken further. Make them ACTUALLY pay for threatening someone’s life.

Under the fucking jail. Enough. It is time for mafia style punishment. Meaning fuck someone up so bad that the rest get the message. Someone needs to be made a harsh example of and let this one be the first. At some point a message needs to be sent. Yeah I know it won’t happen but I can dream can’t I?

Seriously, we are talking premeditated murder, here.  The asshole went to his room to get his gun before coming back to start shit.  This asshole is Murder 1.  Hope he likes general population.

Another racist white man grabs his (courage) gun, leaves the safety of wherever and goes looking for trouble. Then claims the old “feared for my life, so he can escape all responsibility for HIS OWN decisions.

That’s right France you show ‘em. You can infringe on your citizens rights all you like with your Big Brother surveillance, multiple CCTVs.... but a citizen best not EVER record the evil deeds of their government, especially the melanin efficient ones. Never like the accent anyways. Sounds like you have an incurable