
I thought this was a Star Trek comment. Oddly, it works for that too.

Discovery is fun! It’s like a getting a fishing license that allows you to bring a small bag of hand grenades.

Stand up. Dems have been taking this voter suppression bullshit for years. Grind him down. Bleed him and his family dry. Make every day of his god forsaken remaining life a court date.

Allege? What’s this allege bullshit? He DID interfere with voters.

Whenever they get on Twitter or in front of a camera it’s “there was fraud. So much fraud. We have evidence. The best evidence. All the evidence.”

I don’t get the hate on those things. Of all the dumb things enthusiasts do this is the most benign 

We got what we voted for, basically. Until we can convince almost half the country that voted for the GOP, that they are actively working against the very people that voted for them, we will continue to be divided and deadlocked.  I predict this will likely continue to build, like a pressure cooker, until some weak

Liking cars does not mean you have to like vaguely racist, quite imperialist ‘entertainment’ that has not evolved in any way since 2005 or so.

That was my thought. Old woman or not, if she stood in the doorway waving a taser at my family I’d sparta-kick her down the stoop.

Unfortunately I’m a teacher in a cracker-ass rural town.  I would love to shout this from the rooftops but in that exposed position I’d have 300 AR-15 rounds in my ass before I finished saying “... and I’m showing every single video to your racist, ignorant, inbred dumbfuck kids, too!”

Taser. There are no bad dogs, just shitty owners.

Taser.  Dog doesn’t deserve any of that.

“You know what? You’re a Black person in a white neighborhood and you’re acting like one. Why don’t you act like a white person in a white neighborhood?”

Can it be both?

Remember when cell phones became popular and everyone started recording everything and there ended up being a countless number of videos displaying blatant racism over a bunch of years and white people stop denying America is predominately racist and did everything to eradicate it?

Dog or taser. Which one gets shoved up her ass first?

What if the show lasts more than four hours?  

And you think state police is an improvement? A bulwark against the bullshit police departments get up to? 

Non-fed cops walk in lock-step with right wing terrorists. They’d make disagreeing with them a crime if they could.

Autopilot is not their ridiculous “FSD” and isn’t really any different from any other company’s driver-assist tech. So, no, it doesn’t make the cars uninsurable. And go sit in a car with cloth seats and one with well-made pleather seats and honestly tell me the cloth is better.