
They stop yelling at you about their denial of covid hoax when they die...

But I don’t wanna be held responsible for the things I say and do!

Bunker Bitch Don the Con was terrible in his way, and this can never be emphasized enough, but Moscow Mitch and his toadies are the true Enemy who must be defeated. They loved having The Grifter in Chief to distract and deflect, while they plundered and gerrymandered and fixed the courts in their favor for years to

he's DEFinitely the pissee. have you seen the color of his face and hair? 

Have you heard of the

It’s disturbing how many people operate on the principle of “fuck you, I got mine.”

Umm... he might actually piss on them if they weren’t on fire.  Prostitutes say he’s into that kind of thing.

Why is it that only people in custody die from “excited delirium”?  The medical examiner is also complicit in covering this up.  Disgusting.

“All deputies involved in the incident were cleared of any wrongdoing in the death of Edwards by the Sheriff’s office and the Office of the State Attorney”

In a matter of seconds 4 officers descended on him like angry murder hornets to the point you couldn’t even see that there was a human being underneath them. Them more descended intend to get a “piece of the action”. A couple even pushed other officers out of the way to get a hit and punch in. I think there were 12

 Delusional loser snowflakes melting down after whoring themselves out for a senile orange conman who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Pathetic. 

Lol notice that the Nazis and right wing terrorists haven’t been shot at yet.

A nazi riot of right wing domestic terrorists.

The Guardian had a very interesting tidbit about one of those marchers:

And that right there is the issue with pc games.. after spending a mere 1000 bucks her was able to move up to the front of the pack. Hard to say what a 3 grand setup could get him... come on

It was used to test things that are almost impossible to check the aerodynamics of in real-life, such as planes and one-off race bodies.

If you actually wanted to watch that type of racing, you’d watch F4 religiously. The problem with that is that nobody cares about F4 (myself included)

Am I the only one who thinks that this is dumber than a sack of hammers?

Well, as a practical matter, CFD results aren’t ‘scrapped’ if they disagree with the wind tunnel results. They’re more ‘tweaked’ to adjust some of the necessary assumptions to try to get to the point where they agree, then making the remaining analysis more reliable. CFD is ‘pretty good’ if the aero engineer has lots