
This is beyond sick. The deleting of the records with the city permission. I'm at a loss for words. 

Fuck those Fox News worms. I hope Biden punks the shit out of them.

A writer I follow on Facebook posted a bunch of Tweets this morning from right wingers bemoaning how Fox is pandering to the left now and completely unfair and they’re all moving to NewsMax because they’re REAL NEWS!

That Matt Gaetz tweet hit me harder than I expected. Tiffany looks like she just got rejected from an audition to play one of those throwaway demons that always get killed on Supernatural. And the thought of her and Evil Bob’s Big Boy together is just...

It’s probably more enforced on the customer facing workers like drivers. They need bodies to do the grunt work, but having facial hair and ethnic hairdos might be a little too much for the people receiving packages. It’s already scary enough when a black driver shows up at their white residence.

UPS has/had a problem with this??? Weird. The same UPS that doesn’t do drug screens? The same UPS that’s the only employer that I know of that allows you to quit and come back multiple times? Had me handing fliers to neighborhood crackheads who couldn’t support their habit the right way. “Don’t be mad UPS is hiring.”

I briefly worked at a UPS distribution center in ‘02. I don’t remember them giving me a hard time about the fro and chinstrap I had back then. The workplace sucked though, so maybe they relaxed the rules on warehouse workers because they needed bodies.

UPS is the second worst job i’ve ever had. the first was a parking attendant at universal orlando.

The trolls are tryin’ to get their say...hope they love them greys. :P

Also none of these people (including Musk) “changed the world”, not for the better anyway. They just loved to pose as such, and to take credit for others’ work and achievements, just because they were sociopaths.

Maybe not Jesus, but at least not fucking assholes that do more damage than good, like Musk and both of your examples are.

There will never be [god willing] stronger proof that what you say is true than what went down after Katrina. Black folks being rounded up into a literal concentration camp in the Superdome. Meanwhile, White citizens were deputized by local law enforcement and given permission to shoot on sight. Murders in the

This. Musk, Zuck, Jobs, ... they are (were) all dicks. It’s pretty much a minimum qualification for running a big tech company.

“Philanthropist” might also be a big of a reach. Forbes gave him a philanthropy score of 1, meaning he has donated 1% or less of his wealth to charity.

He is not a philanthropist. 

I’m going to leave this here in case its needed.

That shit is still going on. Ain’t nobody done shit about it, “Black leaders”, my ass.

Louisiana you say? Where the average black person is traumatized by simply living there? Best thing black people can do in that state is Get Out. The black political leaders ain't gon do shit there either. Look up cancer alley. 

No. No, no, no.

Yeah, but I can only enjoy watching one of those and I know I didn’t buy all this popcorn for nothin.