
While I’m happy Biden won I am terrified by the record number of people who voted for Trump after everything that’s happen.

Am I grateful that the minorities saved us from authoritarianism? Hell yes. Thank you. But shit’s got to change, this is so far beyond acceptable. I don’t how to start because my default is to

To clarify, I don’t want to hear shit about how some black men, Asian Americans or Cuban Americans voted. The dog whistle was coming from inside your house. A majority of your people, white folks. Sort your shit out, before doing the analysis on why it was so close. 

I think Vice President Harris is going to have her hands full cleaning out the swamp left by Cheeto Hitler. He and his administration were allowed to get away with so much illegal shit. The house needs cleaned and bleached with the disinfecting power of sunlight. Every one of those grifting motherfuckers needs to be

Never let them live it down. It took a majority of us minorities to hold back the majority of majority in this election.

Black women did the damn thing, and instead of celebrating all of the work that they—we—put in, people want to make it a contest. Ridiculous. Give everyone their flowers.

Kamala 2024!

We can celebrate the success of both women without having to seemingly pit them against each other.

They would have tried to make it look like BLM did it. Their whole thing is to try to inflame all sides to spread chaos and destabilize situations. Not sure what their ultimate goal is or even if they have one.

it also waste much more power than any cable charger and it works only on iphone 12... because you know, we love environment

Wasn’t none of us excited about voting for Hilary Clinton. Are they fucking crazy? We only voted for her in 2016 cuz it was obvious that Donald Trump was gone run this country into the ground. Then he ran this country into the ground, and y’all voted for him AGAIN. Sheer lunacy.

We arent including a charger because environment, but heres an overpriced alternative we really think you should get.  Cmon, show some courage and give us more money already!

LOL we went to Frederick a few times in October and I was stunned at how blue Frederick (the city) was. One Biden/Harris sign after another. It was pretty refreshing to walk around and not think “gee I wonder what that bald white asshole in the raised black pickup truck thinks about liberals.” In the farmland outside

We just returned three weeks ago from a road trip to Asheville (NC) and oh, oh my... Outside the city, nearly every “home” would be deemed unfit for human habitation by the typical city/suburb-dwelling American.

I’m also in Maryland (represent!) and live in a deep red part of a pretty blue county.  It feels weirder here because the Trump supporters here are middle/upper-middle class but I suppose they feel that they’ve been denied something they were entitled to, and here comes Trump looking like them and “speaking the truth”

You really don’t have to go far from any US city before you’re in CFC (Cousin-Fucker Country). Sometimes, a trip to the suburbs is all it takes.


Maybe, we collectively decided, if we choose one of their own, enough white people will decide to choose an average white man instead of the worst white man.

The first vote of my life

Time to update the “Safe Negro Travel Guide” using the 2020 election results.

Ugly, impractical car doesn’t sell, news at 11.