
You underestimate the value rich ghouls find in R A R I T Y. Nobody is going to drive their supercars anyway, so it doesn’t really matter how it drives. 

Oh yeah, this is THAT asshole. I skimmed the article so I didn’t fully recognize the name until now. Yeah, fuck that guy and his “vision” for Lotus.

I like the idea of a C8 spyder. But this feels like vaporware. Who’s going to pay $500k for a C8 with a body kit and a tune? People with that kind of money will just buy a Ferrari or something else. 

Danny’s problem has never been turning out beautiful renders. Its been turning them from renders to reality.

True points about the average fees, which is why those with lower debts were targeted by the initiative in order to maximize the impact on voting.

Am I doing the math right? $27 million to pay off court debt of 40,ooo felons comes to $675 a felon. That can’t be right. Any state I’m familiar with usually saddles the convicted felons with thousands of dollars in court fees, restitution, fines, community work service fees, ankle bracelet costs, forfeiture fees to

Hey Cube, Diddy, Kanye and you too Lil Wayne anything to contribute? Yeah didn’t think so

“The first million dollars you make is self-financed. You earn it with your own blood. The cost is your health, your family, your friends. You pay, understand? The most common mistake is believing that you can accrue even more by continuing this behaviour. You cannot. If you’re going to earn more…if you’re going to

There is no such thing as a good billionaire.

Sugar vs. salt on grits

If you’re reading this, you’re white.

Please stay safe and vote first, BEFORE marching. These fucking pigs will attack you again.

We’re not allowed to take the low road, and you know that. Four years ago, BlackLivesMatter protesters blocked traffic on the San Francisco Bay Bridge. CHP was called in, riot gear was deployed, and 24 were arrested.

Just wait until we get a Biden administration and a Dem majority in both houses of Congress and.....nothing really changes.

As I’ve said before, taking the high road leaves you wide open to low ass fuckers undercutting you.


“Hopefully, that number inches down to 53 or 54.”

Why do Dems use the word “hope” when Republicans are out here, destroying votes, cutting power to booths, intimidating voters, and attempting to kidnap Democrat officials. These evil fuckers don’t hope shit. They DO what villains  do to win. Walking the high road while

127K votes cast in good faith according to all the rules established by their state, about to be tossed.

His white colleagues don't care. In fact if they weren't sure this is confirmation and makes them happy. 

“It would be like me accidentally sending a picture of my naked wife to someone,” McKay is quoted as telling investigators. “The stars couldn’t have lined up any worse.”