
“...that they used as a meeting place for group members and encouraged them to participate in military-style training in preparation for an insurgency against the U.S. government.”

Now if only they'd do something about the ones in law enforcement and the military.

Say what you like, but I have been enjoying the recent news stories (yes, plural) of the FBI finally bustin some Nazi ass.

I knew this before Trump, but honestly Trump has made it overwhelmingly clear that their spines are simply gone, long gone at that.

Because the national media are fucking cowards.

Hearing people on a Black experience centered forum arguing FOR eugenics is some real twilight zone shit.

Cute comic but in reality the covidiots are taking a lot of good people with them. 

That’s literally all he thinks of his own followers, but they’ll come up with excuses to rationalize it away like they do all his deplorable shit. When he said he loves the uneducated or whatever, he knew he was talking about the base of his party and they still follow him. He said “grab ‘em by the pussy” and 53% of

“Ugly people know they’re ugly; crazy people know they’re crazy but stupid people have no idea they’re stupid.”

I’ve been saying that forever.. make them PERSONALLY accountable for these actions (no more QI crap) and then treat them just like Doctors (who actually SAVE lives instead of taking them)... no more floating over to another precinct to continue on being crap.. they will feel the financial liability for their actions,

Cops should have to carry malpractice insurance like actual professionals do. Unfit cops that can’t get insured, can’t work.

How do you get to be that stupid and work for a luxury real estate company?

Says a lot, that they need to have “racism is bad”, spelled out in their honour code.

Now playing

Racists complain about being called racist while still saying racist stuff/

Ask the folks in the grays...

I can’t even begin to imagine how shitty someone’s upbringing and life must have been to walk around carrying this much hate within themselves.

He’s done some shitty stuff but that comment made sense in context. He was describing derealization from combat trauma. It’s a defense mechanism you hear a lot from veterans ie that things feel unreal, like video games or being in a movie. He later spoke about how the combat experience amplified trauma he had from

For context the expression he used meant that it was easy for him to use the controls because it works the same as a video game, not that it was joyful. That’s a really posh British way to put it, but if you see the interview he wasn’t really happy about it, and has been quite open about having follow on issues as a

I’ve never been a fan of his, but it is encouraging that a white man like him who is the definition of privilege in every conceivable way, understands that it’s white people who need to do the work and not magical Black people guiding wayward, dumb white people to end racism.