
They’re on their way to become the next Kentucky AG.

This confused white woman adopted black kids. Someone go check on them.

This time they outdid themselves. They found the Queen of the Karens to be on the Supreme Court.

He raped over a dozen women. So get out of here with cancel culture bs.

Americans have long conflated wealth with intelligence, and I don’t see that trend coming to an end anytime soon.

some celebs are pretty smart though, Rashad just isn’t one of them.

Honestly, Rashaad contributed to ruining the Cosby legacy with her initial comments. Maybe just don’t say anything when it doesn’t involve you? She could’ve even commented that despite anything else that’s going on, it’s very important to remember the show’s (not Bill Cosby’s) place in history.

What gets me is that Terry Crews did an episode of Brooklyn 99 where he was profiled while off duty and didn’t have his badge on him (in his own neighborhood.) And the cop treated him like scum. But, he still doesn’t seem to get it.

They know it’s not going away, they are tired of being mildly inconvenienced by it and are willing to sacrifice others to avoid that inconvenience..

I heard even Herman Cain's ghost was in attendance. 

I’m shocked that the party that bitches about paid protesters from liberals needs paid attendees at a White House event.

What’s worse than getting covid? Getting covid at a MAGA rally sponsored by Candace Owens. 

His supporters are dumb and/or delusional, but even they don't believe COVID is just going to go away soon. Every time he says that, he loses votes.

Some people will do anything for a day out and a free meal.

you want “Soc’lisn”

Is everything she does just a self-Owens now?

Shaq is a deputized Sheriff in Florida IIRC.

Shaq is a handshaker. Remember he used to play deputy for fun.

It was just like when Kanye announced he is running for president and had that bat shit crazy  press conference. And then a couple days later Dave Chappelle went to visit him in Wyoming. I know Dave was trying to be a good friend but like I said that just validates Kanye bullshit, other famous people continue to hang