
He lifts your spirit every day, that’s why he’s so swole, right?

I sense a deportation in his future.

Fuck Torey Lamez

These dudes... Besides looking EXACTLY LIKE you would imagine, don’t even know what they believe. There’s pics of them with several competing ideologies in the background.

the 53 percent of white women too cowed by their proximity to white male power to do the right and rational thing in respect for the greater good.”

Her eloquent and firm: “I’m speaking” was a declaration of our agency and our right to assert that agency. For me and hopefully for our girls, it was everything. That statement reminded me of Zora Neale Hurston saying: “If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it”. Aint nobody going to

While being tased, Price walked toward Lucas and tried to reach for the weapon, at which point the officer took out his service weapon and fired four times, according to the affidavit.


I have a feeling that no one in the Price family will be giving out free hugs of love to Officer Baby Huey during the trial.

Black women are face ninjas. They can cut your heart out without ever saying a word.

The undead are not bothered by vermin. They revel in their disease and decay.

I recommend an orange/cream cake as well as themed cakes for all the top enablers/flunkies around him.

It’s even worse. Apparently his campaign just said he will not participate in a virtual debate with Biden on the 15th and instead hold a rally.

Co-worker of my wife made a cake for the whole staff when Obama was elected. They (wife and the co-worker) were the only liberals in an all Republican staff up in the red-ass state of Alaska so it was especially fun; apparently, whenever people would come in and grab a bite of the bonus treat and inquire as to the

I was hoping he’d recover but was glad he got covid because I thought overall it could save a lot of lives in the long run by countering Trump’s constant downplaying of the disease.

Oh I’d not take that bet. I await the Tweets of upset white women on how Barbie is/was/etc their ‘safe space’ and how the well has now been posioned by a topic that their poor kids shouldn’t have to learn about, because you know, racism is dead and such and so on.

White people are going to lose their shit. I mean, they usually lose their shit over trivial things like masks, flags, coffee machines, and sneakers (what else do they really have to complain about?). But White women are going to fart a llama after seeing this.

Why are they all so proud to be so dumb?

Just when I think his idiocy can not go any higher...

When did I step into a fucking cartoon? If this shit were on TV, I’d have changed the channel long ago, because they are so transparent in their lies and obfuscation, it’s laughable. The plot holes, and leaps in logic alone are gigantic. But, here we are...