
They just don’t stop. They will never stop. James Byrd, 1998. That was the Emmitt Till for my generation, at least for me.

Somebody’s family tree may be a single branch.

A little? 

I feel like the perps’ mugshots should have been featured. Why y’all frowning? Smile! Y’all’s famous, now!

As a long-time reader of Jalopnik, well over 10 years, and a loyal fan to a fault, it pains me to say this but the fact of the matter is...Jalopnik is no longer viewed as a media entity worth responding to by Tesla or any other major manufacturer. It surprises me that so many articles here point out that “I’ve reached

Fuck sweep the leg, buckle this motherfuckers kneecaps.  The man has no sense of compassion or decency, and it’s come at a toll of over 200k American lives... I’m so fucking tired of having to treat the man-child like an actual child all the fucking time.

Okay fuck it with the non negative ads. There are people that lost family members and couldn’t say goodbye, there are businesses that have been lost & people evicted from homes and this fat fuck is trying to play this shit for sympathy. Joe, Kamala go all in. Fuck this pig and his family. May they all rot in hell.

This Bunker Bitch was airlifted to Walter Reed and given experimental drugs and has the fucking audacity to claim its no big deal? 

He sounds high as fuck. 

I like people who don’t need to contract an illness to realize it’s a bad idea.

and that’s really the insulting thing

Fucker mislead the Grand Jury and is desperate not to have everyone hear it. He can’t even create a decent coverup.

Appreciate ya!

About this transporting of an AR15-type assault rifle across state lines from Illinois where reportedly a 17 yr old MAY own/wield same over to Wisconsin where perhaps the laws do not reflect that of Illinois’ laws ostensibly to ‘protect’ not HIS or his FAMILY’S interests but to protect a stranger’s property in his

Y’know what else Rittenhouse is?

This whole story is just awful. Between his age and his actions and the police driving by him and then peacefully arresting him the next day and the reaction from the dirtbag class the whole thing is disgusting.

The kid is in jail awaiting murder charges as he should be. He ruined his life through a lack of education (probably) and Thrump/white supremacy propaganda. Yet, at 17 he cannot purchase a $1000 weapon nor weld one. Who put the fucking rifle in his hands and transported him across state lines? I want that person

I’m torn between wanting to see this kid put away for the rest of his life and wanting him to just be Epsteined in jail awaiting trial