
I’m picturing an ‘A Christmas Carol’ style episode where a Tim Scott analog is visited by ghosts of racism past, present and future.

There needs to be a TV show entitled Tales From The Sunken Place. It can be done just like Tales From The Crypt with the host being The Coon Keeper. Each week we can detail a new horror story based on one of these ashy black folks that trades in their self respect, work of their ancestors and professional standing all

Infiltrate implies they weren’t already there; or did we forget why klansmen had hoods in the first place?

“Effort” seems a bit generous here.

There FBI definitely has its own internal problems, but that makes it even more impressive they can still complies and release reports like these.

Why didn’t the FBI do anything about it?

Pulling you mask off to talk is the same as pulling you ass out to fart. Unnecessary.

To Trump voters, the high death rate among black folks is a feature, not a bug.

So Kenneth Walker fired one shot and hit one police officer but a group of officers fired 32 rounds and regrettably hit Ms. Taylor 6 times.

So it pretty much looks like the cops have been lying up and down about this shit.

All the way up and sit the fuck down.

I did Nazi that coming!

Yeah, but Donny Two Slices calls them his “Schutzwaffel.”

Gayle can shut the fuck up.

Your language, to some, is just as egregious as what they’re saying

When the official republican party platform is basically “TRUMP 2020!!! MAGA!!11!!” I think calling them trump’s henchmen is completely fair. They’ve admitted in writing that they don’t stand for anything else.

Egregious? Hell, if anything, Nancy was being POLITE. The Republicans behave more like a crime syndicate, gang, or a cult....

Personally I’d just call them the “Schutzstaffel” but maybe that’s just me.