
The front airbags would certainly send it flying.

Probably won’t do well in a crash test. 

Land Rover has tilt-able screens.

Like I have been saying he is openly telling you what Trump term 2.0 is going to be. He is running on fumes since the story about the military broke. This is his last stand to appeal to the Klan crowd and it might work. At some point he will be making speeches about “those people taking your country from you.” The sad

In other word, never. It’s been 50 years since the Civil Right marches.

Trump finally admits that racism is deeply American, just in the worst possible way.

anti-racism federal training programs because they are “anti-American”

I think this is to win back the base after losers/suckersgate

It's going to take 50 years to undo the past 4.

I see, he’s moved onto cartoon villainy. He is crazy enough to and wears enough makeup to qualify as the Joker.

In America white people aren’t terrorists, they’re “isolated incidents” of a poor sick individual. A whole bunch of constantly repeated isolated incidents that have an overlapping pattern of behavior by similar looking individuals meant to frighten a group of victims with a different race/religion through violent

This is all new to young people. Older folks know this is the same old bullshit.

We see this in Portland, too. Where the pigs stand by as the ProudBoys and other RWNs use violence against the protestors. Why? Because the pigs are simpatico with fascists. 

Isn't it illegal to be an accomplice to terrorists, oh wait, they are white, its ok

Alright, what the hell is going on? That fake Dr E has a whole thread with other fucking racists being taken out of the greys. Just no moderating at all anymore?

Y’all need to fix your shit. Trying to load this page froze not just the tab but my wholentire damn browser for 10-20 seconds. Scrolling down far enough to start reading the actual article froze it again. Scrolling further to keep reading froze it again. Scrolling all the way down to the comments ... oh yes

This reminds me of the time the police shot a black security guard who was attempting to diffuse a bad situation at a shopping mall. Because, for those officers, *OF COURSE* the black person *HAD* to be the problem. Never mind his security uniform. Never mind that he called them to the scene. Never mind the CLEARLY

I’ve seen more than a few clips of women saying they couldn’t vote for a woman for President because they were too emotional, or wouldn’t be taken seriously. Self-hatred happens to people who face oppression.

Another decade or two and maybe the misogyny levels will be low enough that we can elect a woman.

I so much wish we’d gone with Warren over “train cops to aim for the leg instead of the heart” Biden.  Still, with no other option in November I’m voting Leg 2020.