
I can’t star this comment enough. We love to make politicians out of celebrities and celebrities out of politicians. Stop it already.

These ads up there. :/ Also, I did not know this was a thing.

Kill celebrity culture.

Ugh, thanks for the link, and the heartburn. Christ, 3 in AZ, NOT counting the Road. Even 2 stains on my current, never-part-of-the-confederacy-state, Washington.

Holy shit, I’m also from AZ (escaped in ‘99) and I never knew there was a goddamn monument to confederate traitors.  AZ wasn’t even a goddamn STATE before the confederacy died, fuck off outta here, “Daughters of the Confederacy”.  If that shit isn’t taken down officially, it should just be destroyed.

lol, wait until you find out about the Nuwaubians. 

If we’re going to clean house, we have to sweep the corners too.

I admit, I am 100% ignorant about the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. But at first glance it kind of reminds me of white women who find out they’re .7% Cherokee and start collecting Native art, going to powwows and listening to that one new agey Native flute player that has the sound of a stream going by as he plays

they have the totality of mankind’s knowledge at their fingertips, but refuse to educate themselves.”

Like the NY rats deprived of garbage during the quarantine starting to eat each other, the police rats dressed in tactical gear threatening protestors are so scared of being followed home that they shoot the other tactically-dressed rat they were expecting through the door?!

I think Jamele Bouie put it best.

He really is just the dumbest motherfucker on earth, isn’t he?

What I really hate about people like Chance is that they have the totality of mankind’s knowledge at their fingertips, but refuse to educate themselves. He thinks making money and occasionally tossing some to charity makes him some sort of erudite philanthropist. He has all the time and money in the world to educate

...and how about that white-cop on white cop crime?

Kanye is out here faux running for President, Kim is faux becoming a lawyer, Trump is faux running the country. And now Chance is a Little Debbies cake. If you were not exhausted from reality TV before we fell into the worst pilot episode ever, you might wanna brace yourself for the horrific finale when Trump loses in

Mr. West’s “candidacy” has to date not filled out any official protocols to get registered in all the various states needed to qualify. Let alone not having any sort of official, readable platform. All the people from obscure parties who find their way onto Presidential election forms have better infrastructure in

Wow, glad to see that his fellow officers actually stepped did something. Disheartening that it took until now to implement training and change the culture enough that these officers felt comfortable enough coming forw—

You mean, if the “good cops” behave like good cops then there would be less bad apples?? I’m shocked!