
Fact: people who wear their mask with their nose out have the worst breath. And they know it.

So at what point is there a national cry to go after all those companies that advertise on this fucking channel? Not just his show the whole network. Look we know what Fox News is, the question is how much longer do we keep letting companies advertise on this Nazi inspired channel? Oh Twitter we know you don’t give a

So you want to murder.. journalists.  Go live in china, russia, or north korea if you hate freedom so much

F#%k these whiny babies. You know who legitimately has a right to claim PTSD, the photojournalist they blinded by aiming rubber bullets at her face

The problem is, the force will hire more people to be cops who are just as big, or bigger assholes then the ones who quit. That said, this is such bullshit as to be Onion worthy. To think, having to deal with thousands of pissed off citizens who demand they be held accountable for their actions, so fucking scary.

“I’m seeing PTSD symptoms of officers with highly diminished capacity to live and socialize, extraordinary rates of divorce, and alcohol dependency – just to cope,” he said in a statement. “It is an emotional crisis that cannot and should not continue.”

Yes, exactly. That quote basically says “The President is a crook and I had evidence of it, but I kept my mouth shut.” This is supposed to be a good thing?

He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him. It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t.

“Ethnic Intimidation” Holding up a bag of seasonings to wypipo like a crucifix to vampires.

Or suing reality because there are differences.

LMAO, gonna be very hard to convince anyone that you weren’t interested in escalating when you specifically put yourself in greater danger while also introducing a firearm to the equation... and then hyperventilating while holding said firearm because your mind was running away from you.


“ethnic intimidation” = “being non-white around someone who is terrified of everyone who is not white”. It’s like an agoraphobe trying to sue the outdoors for being there.

I think I am all out of outrage. As this site stated, we knew it was going to happen. Trump’s actions are a blatant misuse of power; the people who support him know it and don’t care. Some have posited that this is the end of the Republican party and they are just riding the train, getting whatever they can, until the

And if multiple poll numbers are correct, its going to be a massive landslide that may even lose the republicans the Senate, that they will have to work for years to get out of. But what is more likely their plan if they lose? Say the election was rigged, and wont vacate the White House. I look forward to the day

I think he knows that he’s going to lose in November. He’s going to be humiliated, the first one-term president in a long time. And then there’s a real chance that he’s going to die in prison.

If it wasn’t code for white supremacy, predominantly white schools wouldn’t suddenly whip out MAGA signs and Trump signs only when they play predominantly black schools.

Somebody give the PSYOPS guy that snuck those in there a raise.

I applaud your imagery.  Thank goodness I’m terrible at it is.  Appetite lost.

Someone told the truth on a U.S. Army base, and folks (Army leadership) are not happy about it!