
Yes.. its the water-less version of Florida..

Killed over a fucking weed pipe. The drug war must end if we’re going to get any justice in this country. 

Your editors won’t let you say it but I don’t have an editor so I’ll say it for you, this cooning motherfucker right here. How much did they pay your bitch ass to bring up the charges so their white race soldier asses didn’t have to?

Have I mentioned fuck the police?

This is the face of man who has laughed at one too many racist jokes by his white partner.

Trump’s argument was literally that a sitting president is above the law. Most of the conservative supreme court justices realized that there won’t always be a Republican president and said “LOL, no.”


I love Luther (and Idris) too but you are absolutely right. I don’t think the industry has truly grasped the moment we’re in yet with regard to copaganda shows & movies.

It is unfortunate that our military is clearly filled with spineless cowards at the highest levels, and that good people are driven out by the highest office in the land. Biden needs to spend his first 4 years cleaning house, bringing up treason charges on every single Republican who refused to vote on impeachment,

Time and again Karen and Chad have called the cops on black people who has the nerve to exist and lost their job or their housing, and had their personal business put on the front page, but Karen and Chad keep calling. Maybe catching a charge will make them think twice. Filing a false police report is illegal, wastes

The argument is, Christian Cooper is still here to have the choice not to “participate.” Had he been shot and killed, the machinery of law would have gone ahead without him all the same. So that point is moot. Think what you will about his opinion, he is unnecessary to the process.

I mean it’s clear to anyone with an ounce of gray matter that the police is essential to any society, and police will need cars to do their jobs. There should be no controversy at this.

Well Luther is english so I am putting my money on Rowan Atkinson.

So which old white man are movie execs going to cast as Luther? I have no faith in Hollywood to make any good decisions

Interestingly, she was confronting people for disobeying the posted rules of the park. Which is what Christian Cooper did.

she also started “hysterically” crying and saying that she was being threatened and to send help right away when the bbq-ers (rightfully) called her out. She knew what she was doing 

Seriously, THIS. I also firmly believe this started with his Mother. Constantly filling his head with delusions of grandeur, depriving him of any realistic assessment of his ability or place in the world.

It’s also how we got the current occupant of the White House.

This is what happens when no one tells you no. When you’re clearly ill or delusional, but you’re the money man so all you get are “Wow Mr. Ye, you’re a genius.” “Gee, Mr. Yeezy, that last album sure was fire!”

No one is going to tell him that this is straight up fucking nonsense.

I love this. At the first debate I wish Biden would say he’s issuing an Executive Order renaming everything BECAUSE WE DON’T HONOR TRAITORS OR TERRORISTS!