
That what I say with people thinks guns is a good idea, its like alcohol, it give you a false sense of being powerful until your ass goes to jail.

And not fired and charged with a crime! 

Truly, this.  Without a gun, she still could have gotten all the yelling in that she wanted and not be seconds from killing someone.

“There is no way of knowing for sure how or where Mr. Cain contracted the coronavirus,”

What was that about an armed society being a polite society again? 

I seriously don’t understand that. Why would you continue to consume anything you already said you hate?

If she hadn’t been carrying a gun, she wouldn’t have reached for a gun to solve a dispute. Guns don’t make anything better, they make people’s bad moments worse.

@broussard —- “This website is awful.”

That explains why she’s holding the gun the correct way. Her husband’s a veteran and she probably is too.

When this bitch got back in her car and ran, you could see a new form of terror over her eyes...”oh shit, I’m a Karen, and they got me on video”

That trifling witch is on that shit! Coming out of her place in a bathrobe, looking like bootleg Broomhilda, to mess with a man who was minding his business.

Cue the plaintive wail “Mah life is ruiiiiined!” in 5, 4, 3...

She will follow suit and next will say she loves Black Lives Matter while saying racist slurs.

“I hate Black people. I hate (n-word). I hate Black people,”

People bitching about losing jobs and homes can go fuck themselves, they brought this one themselves, be glad they aren’t losing their lives.

Sorry you got angry is the biggest bullshit of an “apology”

“That’s was MLK’s dream. Thats what he died for.”

These girls are going to have trauma from this for the rest of their lives. Who pulls out a gun anywhere near a child (if one pulls out a gun at all)???