
A judge looking for an excuse to send a cop trial to a cop friendly venue?

True, but Whedon also has a history of being a complete douchebag too. The guy ran a casting couch while making Buffy during his self-appointed champion of feminism phase.

Zach Snyder turned Superman into a libertarian and a murderer and dreams of adapting Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead. I don’t think he’s the ally Ray Fisher thinks he is.

As I tell my wife all the time, “Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean its right”.

“I have a right to my opinion,”she said.

Where are the over-zealous Postal Cops when you need them?! The Real Estate company this guy worked for needs to be fined, minimally, because you know they instructed him to put the cards in mailboxes!

You jest, but in all honesty from talking to maids and working in janitorial for many, many years myself, that is exactly the case. Cleaning companies when they are hired go to wherever and measure the rooms and from there, they figure out how long they ‘think’ it would take to clean a room and if you run over, you

The U.S. Postal Service would like to warn people that only authorized U.S. Postal Service delivery personnel are allowed to place items in a mailbox. By law, a mailbox is intended only for receipt of postage-paid U.S. Mail.”

See, y’all acked-ed like I was crazy for that small can of Lysol I travel with!!!

I knew it. This is the type of nasty my Grandma warned me about when going to people homes. I can only imagine what she would say about hotel, motels. Disgusting. Nasty. Who wants to stay at Traitorous Trump hotels anyway? 

Before I even read this. Ewwwwwwww!!!! So fucking nasty. Ewwww!!!!

Good point. Every one of these folks always seems to have a “one-person Human Centipede” feel to them.

Horse’s ass?

“There’s a lot of white people that are gross. I am everywhere.”

I abhor that information rectally.

“he also consumes intelligence verbally”

It means that every time he says anything, it makes everybody that hears his voice dumber.

I regurgitated that statement nasally.

“he also consumes intelligence verbally”

I’m sorry, but what the fuck is that?

This President, I will tell you, is the most informed person on planet Earth